janclarin / twitter-emoji-map

Hack the North 2016 hackathon. Tracks emoji usage in tweets by country to guess a country's mood.

Home Page:https://twitter-emoji-map.herokuapp.com/

Repository from Github https://github.comjanclarin/twitter-emoji-mapRepository from Github https://github.comjanclarin/twitter-emoji-map


See what mood a country is in based on the emojis found in tweets from people in real-time.

  • Is Britain feeling like a tears-of-joy emoji or crying-face emoji after Brexit?
  • During e.g. Christmas, see which countries are tweeting Christmas-related emojis to understand cultural observances.


  1. Install node.js for npm
  2. Install node modules npm install
  3. Run npm start to start the server
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 to view the page

Technologies used

Stretch goals

  • Populating the emojis on the map
  • Use sentiment analysis on tweets to see mood another way

This project was created by Owen Huyn and Jan Clarin for the Hack the North 2016 hackathon.


Hack the North 2016 hackathon. Tracks emoji usage in tweets by country to guess a country's mood.



Language:JavaScript 86.6%Language:HTML 13.1%Language:CSS 0.3%