janb87 / skylab

Skylab is a 100% backwards compatible PHP port of the Python based hosting scripts used at Kunstmaan. By using the Cilex, Symfony Components and lot's of good code samples from the Composer project we hope to create an application where everyone in our organisation can work with, and if issues or new needed features should arise, be able to work on.

Home Page:https://github.com/Kunstmaan/skylab

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Skylab is a 100% backwards compatible PHP port of the Python based hosting scripts used at Kunstmaan. By using the Cilex, Symfony Components and lot's of good code samples from the Composer project we hope to create an application where everyone in our organisation can work with, and if issues or new needed features should arise, be able to work on.

Kunstmaan wouldn't be Kunstmaan is we didn't open-source this, so here it is. MIT licensed.


To install Skylab, run this command:

$ curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/Kunstmaan/skylab/master/installer | php

This will just check a few PHP settings and then download skylab.phar to your working directory. This file is the Skylab binary. It is a PHAR (PHP archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on the command line, amongst other things.

You can install Skylab to a specific directory by using the --install-dir option and providing a target directory (it can be an absolute or relative path):

$ curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/Kunstmaan/skylab/master/installer | php -- --install-dir=/bin

You can also install Skylab globally by running:

$ curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/Kunstmaan/skylab/master/installer | php
$ mv skylab.phar /usr/local/bin/skylab


You can override the default configuration by creating a file /etc/skylab.yml and give it a secure chmod

sudo chmod 700 /etc/skylab.yml

For example if you installed skylab on a developer OSX machine:

    wwwuser:        apache

    engine: apache
    hostmachine: XXXXX.kunstmaan.be

    user:     root
    password: XXXXXXXXX

    user:     postgres
    password: XXXXXXXXX

debug: true
develmode: true

Or on an ubuntu system:

    wwwuser: www-data

    engine: apache
    hostmachine: XXXXX.kunstmaan.be

    user:     root
    password: XXXXXXXXX

    user:     postgres
    password: XXXXXXXXX

debug: true
develmode: true



Usage: php skylab.phar new [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [--] [<name>]

The new command creates a new project. It will setup the directory structure and apply the "base" skeleton which is responsible for setting up users, permissions and ownership.

php skylab.phar new php skylab.phar new testproject

Full details at doc/NewProjectCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar fetch [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [-l|--location [LOCATION]] [--no-database] [--] [<project>] [<host>]

The fetch command fetches a Skylab project from a server and puts it in the right locations on your computer. It will also drop the databases, so be very careful if you want to use this on a production server to do a migration.

php skylab.phar fetch # Will ask for a project and server to fetch it from php skylab.phar fetch testproject server1 # Will fetch the testproject from server1

Full details at doc/FetchCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar share [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive]

The share command show a table of all your locally installed projects together with the xip.io url.

php skylab.phar share # Will show the xip.io table

Full details at doc/ShareCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar permissions [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [--] <name>

The permissions command will fix the permissions of a project.

php skylab.phar permissions testproject

Full details at doc/SetPermissionsCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar maintenance [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [--quick]

The maintenance command will run the maintenance commands of all skeletons on a project. Most notably, it will create the apache config files and make sure the the databases are available.

php skylab.phar maintenance

Full details at doc/MaintenanceCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar backup [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [--quick] [--] [<project>]

The backup command will dump all your databases and create a tarball of one or all projects.

php skylab.phar backup # Will backup all projects php skylab.phar backup myproject # Will backup the myproject project php skylab.phar backup myproject --quick # Will backup the myproject project, but not create the tar file.

Full details at doc/BackupCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar remove [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [--force] [--] [<name>]

The remove command will remove the project after creating a backup first.

php skylab.phar remove testproject # Will remove the testproject project php skylab.phar remove testproject --force # Will do the same, but don't ask you if you are sure.

Full details at doc/RemoveProjectCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar apply [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive] [-l|--list] [--] [<project>] [<skeleton>]

The apply command applies a skeleton, and all it's dependencies to a project. It will run the "create" method in the skeleton to setup all the requirements for that skeleton.

php skylab.phar apply -l # Lists all available skeletons php skylab.phar apply # Will ask for a project and skeleton to apply php skylab.phar apply testproject anacron # Will apply the anacron skeleton to testproject

Full details at doc/ApplySkeletonCommand.md


Usage: php skylab.phar self-update [--hideLogo] [--no-interactive]

The self-update command will check if there is an updated skylab.phar released and updates if it is.

php skylab.phar self-update

Full details at doc/SelfUpdateCommand.md

Compiling a new version

  1. First, make sure everything works and the Travis tests are green Build Status
  2. Generate an updated changelog using git changelog from git-extras
  3. Commit this new changelog
  4. Create a new release from the Github interface, add the new changelog part in the description and name the release for the next brightst star in this list
  5. Build a new version using box.phar box.phar build -v. Note: make sure you have pulled in the latest tag!!
  6. Add the new phar file to the release on GitHub

Modifying the documentation

  1. Most text is in gen-doc, edit what you want there.
  2. Everything in doc/ is generated, same goes for everything in README.md under Commands
  3. Run ./gen-doc > README.md to update the docs
  4. Send a pull request


  1. Fork Skylab
  2. Do your thing, and send a Pull Request. But please make sure Travis is green and your code has been run through php-cs-fixer!

Scrutinizer Quality Score

Documentation generated on 2015-08-09 17:44:15


Skylab is a 100% backwards compatible PHP port of the Python based hosting scripts used at Kunstmaan. By using the Cilex, Symfony Components and lot's of good code samples from the Composer project we hope to create an application where everyone in our organisation can work with, and if issues or new needed features should arise, be able to work on.


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 89.2%Language:HTML 10.8%