janarishsaju / pico_extraction

PICO Extraction using BERT NER for PubMed Data Sources

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Janarish Saju C

AI/ML Engineer

20th January 2022

PICO Extraction

What is PICO !

Participants/Problem (P), Intervention (I), Comparison (C) and Outcome (O)

Successful evidence-based medicine (EBM) applications rely on answering clinical questions by analyzing large medical literature databases. In order to formulate a well-defined, focused clinical question, a framework called PICO is widely used, which identifies the sentences in a given medical text that belong to the four components: Participants/Problem (P), Intervention (I), Comparison (C) and Outcome (O).

Data Source


Original Data Source


Meta informations about the Data:

  • Structured_abstracts_PICO contains the original abstracts. The line that starts with ### indicates the PMID. After that line, each line contains the original section heading, the assigned gold label for train and test and the section content, separated by the symbol |. To create the gold label, key words in the section heading are checked and the mapping rule can be referred to the paper above-mentioned.

  • Structured_abstracts_sentences_PICO is almost the same as structured_abstracts_PICO except that each section content is sentence splitted using the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit so that each line has only one sentence and all numbers have been replaced by @.

  • The folder splitted contains the train, validation and test sets that are randomly splitted from the file structured_abstracts_sentences_PICO at the ratio of 8:1:1.


(*written here all the necessary steps carried out in the shared code)


1. Data Preprocessing Steps

  • Data read/import
  • Data conversion as per model requirements
  • Data formatting

2. Feature Engineering Steps

  • Encode the labels to Numeric representation
  • Tokenize and embed the datasets

3. Model Initialization

  • Initialize the BERT model
  • Define the Task Name
  • Define the Tokenizer method

4. Hyper Parameter Turning

  • The following parameters were used
    • evaluation_strategy = "epoch",
    • learning_rate=1e-4,
    • per_device_train_batch_size=16,
    • per_device_eval_batch_size=16,
    • num_train_epochs=6,
    • weight_decay=1e-5,

5. Train the Model

  • Train the model with the below metrics
    • Train_dataset,
    • Eval_dataset,
    • Tokenizer,
    • Compute_metrics

6. Evaluate the Model

  • Evaluation done based on the 20 percent of data extracted for validation purposes from the training data.

7. Prediction Module

  • Read the unseen data
  • Data Conversion
  • Feed the Unseen Data to the fine turned model and Get Predictions
  • Get Label Predictions
  • Store the results in a DataFrame

8. Export the Results

  • Export test results


  • BERT has the advantage over other Machine Learning and Deep Learning models.
  • As it is a transformer technique pretrained with huge datasets.
  • And it save us a lot of time for training
  • Although it has a disadvantage, Heavier BERT model is computationally expensive

Number of Total Records: 24668

Accuracy (80:20 split): 90.8


Online Sources:

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dcEGM7NCDqEydBmeH2yCz9gwaA2RISTeA-WoT8DgGyA/edit
  2. https://github.com/jind11/PubMed-PICO-Detection
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  4. https://medium.com/@andrewmarmon/fine-tuned-named-entity-recognition-with-hugging-face-bert-d51d4cb3d7b5


PICO Extraction using BERT NER for PubMed Data Sources


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