janarishsaju / apache_airflow

Apache Airflow - #Installation #docker #python #example

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Janarish Saju C

AI/ML Engineer

Apache Airflow

November 20, 2022


Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows.

Key Terms

  • ETL pipelines that extract data from multiple sources

  • DAG Representation

  • Workflow Management

  • Job Scheduling

Installation Steps

Install Ubuntu - If using Docker (optional)

docker run -dit -p 8000:80 --name airflow ubuntu

Get into docker container terminal - If using Docker (optional)

docker exec -it "container_id" /bin/bash

Install necessary programs

apt-get update

apt-get install sudo

Sudo apt-get install vim

Sudo apt-get install vi

Sudo apt-get install nano

Install Python3

sudo apt-get install python3

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Set Airflow Home Environment

cd home - Get into ubuntu home

mkdir airflow - create directory “airflow”

cd airflow - Get into airflow home

mkdir dags - create directory “dags” (here we are storing DAG’s python file and text data)

export AIRFLOW_HOME=`pwd’ - Set airflow home environment

Install Airflow

pip install apache-airflow

Check Airflow Installed

airflow version

Database Initialization

airflow db init

Create Username & Password

airflow users create --role Admin --username admin --email admin --firstname admin --lastname admin --password admin

Copy files from Host to docker Container - If using Docker (optional)

exit - exit console

Move my_simple_dag.py from host to container

docker cp d:\airflow\my_simple_dag.py airflow:/home/airflow/dags

Move greet.txt from host to container

docker cp d:\airflow\greet.txt airflow:/home/airflow/dags

Return to docker container terminal - If using Docker (optional)

docker exec -it "container_id" /bin/bash

Verify airflow.cfg has correct path

cd home/airflow

vim airflow.cfg

dags_folder = /home/airflow/dags - Just verify

Error - If timezone error occurred

apt-get install -y tzdata - try only if error occurred

Running Steps

Run Airflow

airflow standalone

airflow webserver

airflow scheduler

Check Airflow UI


Username: admin

Password: admin

Running successfully…





Apache Airflow - #Installation #docker #python #example


Language:Python 100.0%