jamietech / BunBun

IRC Bot based on KICL

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BunBun IRC bot

BunBun is an IRC bot based on Kitteh IRC Client Library (KICL) with a built-in command manager and URL listener.

Java 8 is required to compile BunBun due to KICL.


Commands can be either for a Channel or for a Private Message. Information regarding creating commands is outlined below.

Generic Commands

All commands extend the GenericCommand class. This class allows you to set the following:

  • Name (required, String)ÊÑ the main command name (e.g. ÔhelpÕ)
  • Aliases (String list) Ñ a list of commands that this class will respond to
  • Description (String) Ñ a simple message explaining the command that is displayed with the help command
  • Permission (String) Ñ the permission required to use the command
  • Silent (boolean) Ñ whether the command will alert the user that they donÕt have sufficient permission to invoke it

Channel Commands

Channel commands implement the following method:

public abstract void execute(User user, Channel channel, String[] arguments, String label);

Channel commands also have the following convenience methods available:

protected void reply(User user, Channel channel, String message);

protected void usage(User user, Channel channel, String params);

protected void usage(User user, Channel channel, String params, String label);

Please use usage(User, Channel, String, String) where the user has invoked the command using an alias so that they understand why they are receiving the message.

The command prefix isnÕt required in a usage reply as it is automatically provided.

The reply method prefixes the userÕs nickname to the response.

Private Commands

Private commands implement the following method:

public abstract void execute(User user, String[] arguments);

Please donÕt prefix responses with the userÕs nickname.

Registering Commands

Register commands in BunBun#prepare() under their categoryÕs comment header. Use this.commander.registerChannelCommmand(ChannelCommand) or this.commander.registerPrivateCommand(PrivateCommand). If you attempt to register a command name that is already registered, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

Quieting Channels or Users

To ignore a user, create a new instance of Ignore and pass it to CommandManager#ignore(Ignore) (non-static). When deciding whether a user is ignored, the logic in Ignore#match(Actor) is used.

Quiet channels arenÕt currently implemented. A List<String> of quiet channels is kept in CommandManager, however there is no public method to add to this list as yet.


To log, use the static method BunBun.getLogger(). Debug messages should be logged at Level.FINE, normal messages at Level.INFO and non-critical errors at Level.WARNING. Any errors that should cause the bot to disconnect should be logged at Level.SEVERE.

Requesting URLs

A convenience class for requesting URLs is provided as URLFetcher. It requests the provided URL in a thread and returns it through primitive callbacks. Simply pass it URLFetcher(String url, URLFetcherCallback callback, User user, Channel channel) and it will call its methods when complete.

Listening for URLs

If you wish to respond to a certain URL, listen for the ChannelURLEvent and set a priority. Once you have dealt with the URL call event.setHandled(true). For this to work, please check that the event hasnÕt been handled before continuing. The YouTubeListener listens at priority 99, the default listener listens at priority 0.


Currently no file-based configuration exists other than for permission tracking. Simply add a command-line configuration in Start and pass it statically to your class at the bottom of Start.


IRC Bot based on KICL


Language:Java 100.0%