jamiemoore / akamai-proxy

Proxy Akamai Production Requests to Staging using MITMProxy

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Proxy Akamai Production Requests to Staging


Sometimes when connecting systems together it remains important to use the production Akamai urls but actually use the Akamai staging environment by only changing the proxy configuration, such as when doing mobile development.


  • Install mitmproxy

    brew install mitmproxy
  • Download the akamai-proxy plugin

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jamiemoore/akamai-proxy/master/akamai-proxy.py -O
  • Add the root certificate to the keychain
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -p ssl -p basic -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem


  • Determine your staging url, this works with the default naming standard.

    dig PRODUCTIONHOSTNAME | grep -m 1 -oE '[a-z.]+edgekey.net' | sed 's/edgekey/edgekey-staging/'
  • Modify the config.ini to reflect your production and staging environments

  • Run mitmdump using the script plugin

    mitmdump -s akamai-proxy.py
  • Leave that running and open another window

  • Configure your application/ browser to use a proxy, here is an example for the cli

    export ALL_PROXY=localhost:8080
  • Confirm you are accessing the staging system using the production url

    curl -LIX GET 'YOURPRODUCTIONURL' | grep X-Akamai
    X-Akamai-Staging: ESSL
  • You can use the SwitchyOmegaProxy chrome extension too for interactive sessions

  • May need to trust the mitmproxy cert or use the insecure setting

Development notes

  • Don't allow local config.ini changes to be detected by git after adding to .gitignore

    git update-index --no-assume-unchanged config.ini
    git update-index --assume-unchanged config.ini
  • Get your contract ID
http --auth-type=edgegrid -a default: -b :/contract-api/v1/contracts/identifiers 
  • Get your group ID
http --auth-type=edgegrid -a default: -b :/identity-management/v3/user-admin/groups
  • Get the edgehostnames
http --auth-type=edgegrid -a default: -b :/papi/v1/edgehostnames contractId=X-XXXXXX groupId==XXXXXX
  • Example command to create a new config file if you have the akamai cli installed.
echo "[environments]" > config.ini;http --auth-type=edgegrid -a default: -b :/papi/v1/hostnames contractId==X-XXXXXXX groupId==XXXXXX | jq -r '.hostnames.items[] | select(.stagingCnameTo != null) | (.cnameFrom) + " = " + (.stagingCnameTo)' >> config.ini; sed -i '' 's/\.edgekey\./\.edgekey-staging\./g' config.ini


Proxy Akamai Production Requests to Staging using MITMProxy


Language:Python 100.0%