jamieiles / 80x86

80186 compatible SystemVerilog CPU core and FPGA reference design

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Spartan 6

newinnovations opened this issue · comments

Hi Jamie, this is a very interesting project you have here. I’m thinking of porting the rtl to small xilinx spartan-6 based devices (lx9 and/or lx16) . I was wondering how altera/intel specific your code is and how you assess the amount of work it would take. Are there any specific requirements on the fpga like internal sram, fifos and such?

There's really not that much vendor specific code - only the PLL, block RAMs and virtual JTAG which have fairly standard interfaces so I wouldn't imagine that it should be too much work on top of modifying the build system to work with the Xilinx toolchain, but I don't have any experience with the Xilinx flow.

Showstopper probably will be the SystemVerilog. As it turns out the Xilinx toolchain for the 'old' devices does not support it, it does only do VHDL and 'plain' Verilog.