jameswilddev / trash-kit

Js13kGames framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

trash-kit Continuous Integration License FOSSA Status Renovate enabled

This repository is intended to be a "one-stop shop" for building a subset of types of Js13kGames entries. It is a re-working of junk-kit. It features:

  • A "watch" pipeline including minification, zipping and size checking for realtime feedback on how your changes affect artifact size.

  • Game-specific and shared codebases combined during the build pipeline.

  • Code generation from content, for better minification and build-time type checks.

  • Hot reload.

  • Continuous integration.

See an example game!


First steps

  • If you don't have a GitHub account, sign up for free.

  • Fork this repository. This makes your own copy which you can edit to your heart's content. To do this, click Fork in the top right corner of this repository's page on GitHub.

  • Change all references to jameswilddev/trash-kit (links in this file, package.json, license, GitHub Actions, etc.) to point to your fork; noting that some of these will be URL-encoded, i.e. jameswilddev%2Ftrash-kit.


First time

  • Install Git.

  • Install Visual Studio Code.

  • Install the ESLint extension.

  • Install Node.js. I'd recommend LTS.

  • Clone this repository.

    You can do this by opening Visual Studio Code, pressing F1, then entering clone and pressing enter to select Git: Clone.

    You will then be prompted for the URL of your forked repository, then, a place to clone it into. Once it is done, a blue Open Repository button will appear in the bottom right. Click on it.

Every time

  • Open Visual Studio Code if it is not open.

  • If something other than your project is open, click File, Open Folder and select the folder you cloned your fork to.

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+B and you should see a command-line application start in the terminal at the bottom of Visual Studio Code.

  • Files are generated for IDE tooling including ESLint and TypeScript.

  • Your games should now be testable at http://localhost:3333/.

  • Any changes you make, to code or content, will be reflected there automatically.

  • You can scan the displayed QR code to open your games on your phones or tablets for testing purposes.

See File structure for details on adding new or modifying existing games.

Continuous Integration

By default, a GitHub Action will build every game in your repository and make the HTML and zip files available as artifacts attached to the builds. ESLint is also ran.

There are additionally basic "smoke tests", which launch the included tower-of-hanoi in a headless Chrome and ensure that some basic features work. Removing or significantly changing this game and/or the included engine are likely to break these tests, so you may need to either replace them or remove them entirely. You can quickly disable them by removing - run: npm test from .github/workflows/continuous-integration.yaml.


The following continuous integration services may be useful for forks of the build pipeline, but are less useful for making your own games.


This means that any updates to the tools used to build games will be presented to you as GitHub pull requests in your fork.


This means that your fork's dependencies will be checked to ensure that their licenses do not conflict or present unexpected obligations.

  • Sign up with GitHub at FOSSA.
  • Follow the profile setup steps. For Set Default Policy, Standard Bundle Distribution is probably good enough.
  • Choose Quick Import.
  • Choose GitHub.
  • Click Connect With Service.
  • Tick trash-kit.
  • Click Import 1.
  • Update all FOSSA links in this file to point to your fork (change jameswilddev to your GitHub name).

File structure



Up to 50 characters, where:

  • The first character is a lower case letter.

  • The last character is a lower case letter or digit

  • Every other character is a lower case letter, digit or hypen.


Any file path (including files within folders), where:

  • The first character is a lower case letter.

  • The last character is a lower case letter or digit

  • Every other character is a lower case letter, digit or hyphen.

  • Hyphens are forbidden immediately preceding or following a folder separator (/ or \).



TypeScript which is included in every game.


Defines types which the engine expects games to define.


Rendered as index.html in zipped games. The following variables are defined:

Name Description
javascript The minified JavaScript generated for the game.
safeAreaWidthVirtualPixels Imported from metadata.json.
safeAreaHeightVirtualPixels Imported from metadata.json.
backgroundColor Imported from metadata.json.


Static data regarding the game. Must resemble the following:

  "safeAreaWidthVirtualPixels": 640,
  "safeAreaHeightVirtualPixels": 480,
  "backgroundColor": "#a4c"

These define the width and height of the "safe area", in SVG pixels. This is centered on the page, and scaled up to be as large as possible without being cropped.

If the page's aspect ratio does not match that of the safe area, the extra space to the top and bottom or left and right will be visible; the game is not cropped to the safe area.

The top left corner of the safe area is at X 0, Y 0 in SVG pixels. The X axis extends to the right, while the Y axis extends to the bottom.


The background color of the page. This must be a three-character hex code in lower case.


TypeScript included in the game.


SVG minified and included in the game's TypeScript global scope. For instance, src/games/test-game-name/src/complex-multi-level/folder-structure/with-a-file.svg will be available in the game's TypeScript global scope as a constant called complexMultiLevel_folderStructure_withAFile_svg, of a type called ComplexMultiLevel_folderStructure_withAFile_svg.

Additionally, a type is generated called AnySvg, which is the union of all of the types generated to represent SVG files.


The built game artifact.


The included game engine is a little unconventional, and may not be appropriate for your own games.

It is optimised for:

  • Small artifact size.
  • Hot reload.
  • Resolution independence.
  • Low system load during inactivity.
  • Mouse or touch input.

It is not good for:

  • Complex animation.
  • Physics.
  • Keyboard or gamepad input.


initial -.-> state -> render -> viewports -.-> groups/sprites/rectangles/text
         |                                 '-> click handlers -.


All mutable game state is stored in a single JSON-serializable object called state. This is loaded from local storage if available, with fallback to an initial state.


The build system does not make use of any kind of bundling or closures to keep your game and engine code separate. This is to give the minification process the best chance at creating the smallest build artifacts.

For that reason, avoid referencing or defining anything prefixed engine or Engine on the global scope within game code. This is likely an internal implementation detail which could break in future engine updates.

ESLint is not designed for projects built like this, and is unable to see that declarations made in one file may be used in others without exporting them. For this reason, the @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars rule is disabled in both engine and game code.

To be defined by your game

The following must be defined by your game TypeScript for building to succeed.


A JSON-serializable type which contains all mutable state for your game.

If breaking changes are made to this (such as changing the JSON which would be de/serialized in such a way that state recovered from local storage would no longer work) please change version.


A function which returns a new instance of the default state, used when local storage does not contain a state, or the state is not usable.


A number which identifies breaking changes to State. If this does not match that loaded from local storage, initial will be used instead.


function render(): void {
  // Use render helpers here.

Executed when state is known to have changed, to re-render the scene. See Render Emitters for details on what can be done in this callback.

Mutation callbacks

A mutation callback is executed when an event occurs which could alter state, and will be followed by a re-render.

Defined by the engine


The name of the game from its path under src/games, as a string.


Imported from metadata.json.


Imported from metadata.json.


The current state; modify as you please.


A value to use in place of true to minimize file size.


A value to use in place of false to minimize file size.


Either truthy or falsy. ESLint rule @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions has been disabled to make this less awkward to use.


Types which can be serialized to or deserialized from JSON.


Represents a JSON de/serializable object.


Represents a JSON de/serializable array.


Linearly interpolates between two values by a unit interval, extrapolating if that mix value leaves the 0...1 range.


console.log(dotProduct(3, 4, 5, 6)) // 39

Calculates the dot product of two vectors.


console.log(magnitudeSquared(3, 4)) // 15

Calculates the square of the magnitude of a vector.


console.log(magnitude(3, 4)) // 3.872983346

Calculates the magnitude of a vector.


console.log(distanceSquared(8, 20, 5, 16)) // 15

Calculates the square of the distance between two vectors.


console.log(distance(8, 20, 5, 16)) // 3.872983346

Calculates the distance between two vectors.

Render helpers

These can be used during the render callback to describe something which the render emits.



This represents the scene itself, and can be used as the parent of other objects.


This is an object which is not, itself, visible, but can be used to transform or filter other objects as a single unit.

const object = group(parentRootOrGroup)

This shows an imported SVG.

const object = sprite(parentRootOrGroup, any_imported_svg)

This creates a rectangle. It can optionally be assigned a fill color.

const invisible = rectangle(parentRootOrGroup, 200, 100)
const magenta = rectangle(parentRootOrGroup, 200, 100, `f0f`)

The rectangle is positioned in the top left corner.

These are usually used to accept user input.


This creates text. Newlines are not supported.

// Displayed in black with the browser's default "serif" font at size 16px;
// the origin is at the bottom left corner.
const a = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`)

// As above, but with the browser's default "sans serif" font instead.
const b = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`, `sans-serif`)

// As above, but in magenta.
const c = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`, `sans-serif`, `f0f`)

// As above, but the origin is the middle of the bottom edge.
const d = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`, `sans-serif`, `f0f`, `middle`)

// As above, but the origin is the bottom right corner.
const e = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`, `sans-serif`, `f0f`, `end`)

// As above, but the origin is the middle of the right edge.
const f = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`, `sans-serif`, `f0f`, `end`, `middle`)

// As above, but the origin is the top right corner.
const g = text(parentRootOrGroup, `Example Text`, `sans-serif`, `f0f`, `end`, `hanging`)



Specify a callback to execute when a group, sprite, rectangle or text is clicked on or tapped.

click(object, () => {
  state.value = `changed`

This is a render callback; as a consequence, you can freely edit the state here and the scene will be re-rendered after the callback completes.


Each of these functions can be used the same way; apply transforms and filters, execute one of these functions, then apply transforms and filters to animate to.

Only one animation can be applied per object per render.

const object = rectangle(root, 100, 50, `f0f`)
transform(object, [scale(2, 1)])
filter(object, [hueRotate(120)])

linear(object, 2)

transform(object, [scale(0.5, 1)])
filter(object, [hueRotate(240)])

Groups, sprites, rectangles and text can be animated.


No interpolation is performed; the transform and filter change immediately after the specified duration.

// Set transform/filter to hold for 2 seconds.

delay(object, 2)

// Set transform/filter to hold after 2 seconds.

Transform and filter change linearly (without acceleration or deceleration) over the specified duration.

// Set transform/filter to linearly interpolate from.

linear(object, 2)

// Set transform/filter to linear interpolate to.

Transform and filter change quickly at first, then gently decelerate over the specified duration.

// Set transform/filter to decelerate from.

easeOut(object, 2)

// Set transform/filter to decelerate to.

Transform and filter change slowly at first, then gently accelerate over the specified duration.

// Set transform/filter to accelerate from.

easeIn(object, 2)

// Set transform/filter to accelerate to.

Transform and filter change with slightly abrupt acceleration and deceleration.

// Set transform/filter to accelerate from.

ease(object, 2)

// Set transform/filter to decelerate to.

Transform and filter change with smooth acceleration and deceleration.

// Set transform/filter to accelerate from.

easeInOut(object, 2)

// Set transform/filter to decelerate to.


These can be strung together to describe transformations applied to groups, sprites, rectangles and text.

Apply them using the transform function:

transform(object, [translate(20, 65), rotate(90)])
translate(20, 65)

Translates by the given numbers of virtual pixels on the X and Y axes respectively.


Rotates by the given number of degrees clockwise.

Scales by the given factor on the Y axis.

scale(2, 4)

Scales by the given factors on the X and Y axes respectively.


Scales by the given factor on the X and Y axes.


These can be strung together to describe postprocessing effects applied to groups, sprites, rectangles and text.

Apply them using the filter function:

filter(object, [brightness(0.5), soften(20)])

Blurs with a radius of the given virtual pixels.


Adjusts brightness by the given factor.


Adjusts contrast by the given factor.

sharpDropShadow(20, 40)        // Black.
sharpDropShadow(20, 40, `f0f`) // Magenta.

Produces a sharp-edged drop shadow, offset by the given numbers of virtual pixels on the X and Y axes. A color may optionally be specified, as a three-character hex code in lower case; if no color is specified, the shadow is black.

softDropShadow(20, 40, 5)        // Black.
softDropShadow(20, 40, 5, `f0f`) // Magenta.

Produces a soft-edged drop shadow, offset by the given numbers of virtual pixels on the X and Y axes. The blur radius is specified in virtual pixels. A color may optionally be specified, as a three-character hex code in lower case; if no color is specified, the shadow is black.


Reduces saturation by the given factor.


"Rotates" colors by the specified number of degrees. For example, a value of 120 would replace red with blue, blue with green and green with red.


Inverts colors; 1 is a full inversion of color, while 0 has no effect.


Multiplies opacity by the given factor.


Multiplies saturation by the given factor.


Applies a sepia filter with the given opacity.

Mutation Callback Helpers

These are intended to be used only during a mutation callback.


When returns truthy, mutation callbacks' save, load and drop are likely to work.

When returns falsy, mutation callbacks' save, load and drop will definitely not work.


Saves a JSON-serializable object under the given string key.

Returns truthy when successful.

Returns falsy and has no side effects when unsuccessful.

const truthyOnSuccess = save(`a-key`, aJsonSerializableValue)

Loads the JSON-serializable object with the given key. Makes no attempt to ensure that the deserialized object matches the specified type.

Returns the deserialized object when successful.

Returns null when unsuccessful or not previously saved.

const deserializedOrNull = load<AJsonSerializableType>(`a-key`)

Deletes the object with the given string key.

Returns truthy when successful, including when no such object exists.

Returns falsy and has no side effects when unsuccessful.

const truthyOnNonFailure = drop(`a-key`)

Build pipeline

The build pipeline is implemented using Node.JS and TypeScript.

There are two entry points: src/pipeline/cli.ts and src/pipeline/ci.ts, for their respective usages. These should produce the same artifacts, but while cli is intended for local development purposes (watch builds, does not stop on error, hosts build artifacts via HTTP with hot reload), ci is instead intended for continuous integration environments (stops on first error or executed plan, logs more heavily).


files -> diff -> planning -> steps -> artifacts
                              | ^
                              v |
  • A file source produces a list of file paths and corresponding version identifiers.

  • A diff algorithm determines which files have been added, deleted, modified and remain the same.

  • A planning algorithm generates a hierarchy of build steps need to be executed based on the diff.

  • The steps execute, caching to a set of stores.

  • Build artifacts are written to disk.


The most error-prone part of the build pipeline is planning; it can be difficult to determine exactly which steps should be executed based on the given diff.

To make it easier to determine exactly which steps were planned, it is possible to query the hierarchy for a nomnoml document detailing exactly which steps were planned to be executed and in what order.

To do this, run npm run-script ci-nomnoml or npm run-script cli-nomnoml.


FOSSA Status


Js13kGames framework

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.2%Language:Pug 0.8%