jamesroseman / mystique

Reddit wallpaper changer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Reddit-based Wallpaper Changer for Ubuntu 12.04

mystique grabs all image files from the top 25 of your chosen subreddits (specified in 'sublist'). It then randomly chooses your wallpaper, and is programmed never to chose the same wallpaper twice in a row.


The only dependency/requirement of mystique is to put it in /home/username/. If you don't want to put it there, edit the $HOMEDIR variable in wallpaper.sh.

Other dependencies will be installed automatically when first run, and it will break if you do not have apt-get as a package manager, or sudo access.

In other words, install:

git clone https://github.com/jamesroseman/mystique.git

mystique can obviously be easily configured into your .bashrc so that it can be run with mystique command:

alias mystique='/home/username/mystique/wallpaper.sh'

After adding this line to your .bashrc (if you're using default Bash shell), you'll be able to run mystique to change your wallpaper.

mystique can also easily be configured to be used with crontab, if set up. Simply run crontab -e to start editing your crontab configuration, and add the following line:

*/X * * * * DISPLAY=:0 GSETTINGS_BACKED=dconf /bin/sh /home/username/mystique/wallpaper.sh > /home/username/mystique.log

Be sure to leave a newline at the end of your crontab.


By default, mystique is configured to grab images from a variety of subreddits from the SFW porn suite (amateur and professional photography generally).

Mystique grabs subreddits chosen from sublist which must have no added whitespace. If you wanted top pictures from r/wallpapers, your sublist would read:


Mystique supports multiple subreddits, just add a newline between each. sublist must be formatted like this:

subreddit 1
subreddit 2
subreddit 3

Mystique will automatically grab only wallpapers that fit your native resolution.

If it seems to only be grabbing one wallpaper and you have a very small or very strange resolution, try toggling off resolution by editing your .resolution:


1 is FALSE while 0 is TRUE for resolution grabbing.

Known Issues

Mystique isn't very intelligent, and only grabs top links that end in `.jpg or imgur links (to which it appends ".jpg").

If you have any other issues, or the famous "blue screen of death", look at your mystique.log file, which is by default stored in /home/username/mystique.log

If you have trouble with the terminal color schemes, try running the install script, which will install dependencies for the solarized color schemes.

Warning: mystique has only been tested on one 12.04 Ubuntu box, and hasn't led to any problems so far. mystique automatically filters out NSFW images, but that doesn't mean you can't be surprised, so choose subreddits carefully. This author personally experienced the surprise of seeing a Nazi rally on his screen after adding r/historyporn to his sublist. No warranty, get in trouble at work at your own risk.


Reddit wallpaper changer


Language:Shell 64.5%Language:Python 35.5%