jamespo / passinga

Push Icinga2 passive check results

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Passinga - Icinga 2 Passive Check Script


Copy passinga.py into your path.

Requirements: Python 3.6+ & urllib3 module.


Create an API user just with perms to push check results:

object ApiUser "icingaapi" {
   password = "3wdfkmslke"
  permissions = [ "actions/process-check-result" ]

Create a passive service in Icinga conf:

apply Service "NinjaBackup" {
		max_check_attempts = 1
		retry_interval = 5m
		check_interval = 5m

		enable_active_checks = false

		check_command = "dummy"
		vars.dummy_text = "No Passive Check Result Received"
		vars.dummy_state = "3"

		assign where host.vars.config.backuphost

Pick it up in a host definition:

// dbhost.yourdomain.com
vars.config.backuphost = "1"

Configure in /etc/passinga or ~/.config/.passinga:

icinga_url: https://icinga.yourdomain.com:5655
username: icingaapi
password: 3wdfkmslke
# set to on if you trust the cert being presented
verify_ssl: off
# this must match with the host configured for the check in Icinga
hostname: dbhost.yourdomain.com


usage: passinga.py [-h] [-s {0,1,2,3}] [-n CHECKNAME] [-o EXITOUTPUT] [-m {stdin,ansible,cli}] [-f {1,2,3}]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s EXITRC, --exitrc EXITRC
                        parent rc to pass in
  -n CHECKNAME, --checkname CHECKNAME
                        Name of check
  -o EXITOUTPUT, --exitoutput EXITOUTPUT
                        exit output
  -m {stdin,ansible,cli}, --mode {stdin,ansible,cli}
  -f {1,2,3}, --fixrc {1,2,3}
                        if exitrc non-zero value to send (1-3)

cli mode

This is the default mode.

Capture your job status / output and push to Icinga in a passive check:

passinga.py -n 'NinjaBackup' -o "$BACKOUTPUT" -s $BACKSTATUS -f 1

Note the "-f 1" flag - this "fixes" the returncode so that any code != 0 sets an Icinga RC of 1 (WARNING).

stdin mode

This can be used in a one-liner to push the status of standard Icinga checks.

check_ping -H -w 80,90% -c 90,100% | tee | passinga.py --mode stdin -s ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -n Ping

(Intermediate tee step required to correctly capture returncode).

stdin mode with PIPESTATUS special variable only works in Bash (or zsh with changes), you will need to specify shell in Debian/Ubuntu crontab as that defaults to dash ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh#A.24PIPESTATUS ).

ansible mode

Parse the results of ansible playbooks and push to icinga:

ANSIBLE_CALLBACKS_ENABLED=json ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json ansible-playbook mwsync.yml \
    | tee | passinga.py --mode ansible -n "MediaWiki Sync"

A helper script "icansirun" is included suitable for cron etc which you can use as below:

CHECKNAME=backup ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/home/ansiman/conf/ansible.cfg icansirun playbook.yml


Push Icinga2 passive check results


Language:Python 90.5%Language:Shell 9.5%