jamesmagoo / nGramFreq

ATU - Higher Diploma - Software Development - OOP Project Work

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NGram Frequency Builder

ATU - Higher Diploma - Software Development - OOP Project Work

*This application parses the .txt files in a given directory, counts the frequencies of n-grams within, and ouputs them to a text file in CSV format. *

Compiling Note

To compile successfully, use javac ie/atu/sw/FileName.java from the src folder Executable .class files are saved in same location.

Class Descriptions


This class is the entry to the application (containing the main method) and should be run to start it.


  • This class provides the UI to the console for the user to interact and select option as provided in the starter code.
  • s - Scanner object
  • p - Parser object for access to Parser.java functionality
  • start() - initialises menu and deals with user inputs, called from Runner.java
  • showOptions() - prints options to console


  • This class contains the functionality of the application, it parses files, processes them, and outputs the results.
  • freqTable - multi-dimensional object array which stores frequencies of nGrams
  • nGramSize - stores the size of nGrams to be processed, set by user
  • inputDirPath - stores the path to the directory for processign as set by user
  • outPutName - stores the name of the outout file as set by user

For brevity, getter & setter methods are not listed below:

  • Parser() - constructor method initialises the size of the freqTable array
  • executeNGramBuilder() - primary function to begin process, called from Menu
  • printTable() - outputs results to file
  • addNGram() - Add n-gram to freqTable
  • processFile() - read files and process them to nGrams
  • parseDirectory() - parses each file a given directory
  • makeNGrams() - makes n-grams and saves them


ATU - Higher Diploma - Software Development - OOP Project Work