jamesmacwhite / homescripts

My Scripts for Plex / Emby with Google Drive and rclone

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This is my configuration that works for me the best for my use case of an all in one media server. This is not meant to be a tutorial by any means as it does require some knowledge to get setup. I'm happy to help out as best as I can and welcome any updates/fixes/pulls to make it better and more helpful to others.

Here is my change log: Change Log

Home Configuration

  • Verizon Gigabit FIOS
  • Google Drive with an Encrypted Media Folder
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • 32 GB of Memory
  • 250 GB SSD Storage for my root
  • 6TB mirrored for staging

My Workflow

I use Sonarr and Radarr in conjuction with NZBGet and ruTorrent/rtorrent to get my media. My normal flow is that they grab a file, download it and place it in /gmedia under the correct spot of /gmedia/TV /gmedia/Movies respectively and that is local underneath the covers. Each night, a rclone upload scripts moves from local to my Google Drive. To acheive that, I use rclone to mount my Google Drive and mergerfs to combine a local disk and Google Drive together to provide a single access point for all services.

Rclone and MergerFS


My Ubuntu setup:

[felix@gemini ~]$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Release:	18.04
Codename:	bionic

Fuse needs to be installed.

$ sudo apt install fuse

You need to make the change to /etc/fuse.conf to allow_other by uncommenting the last line by and remove the # from the last line.

sudo vi /etc/fuse.conf
root@gemini:~# cat /etc/fuse.conf
# /etc/fuse.conf - Configuration file for Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE)

# Set the maximum number of FUSE mounts allowed to non-root users.
# The default is 1000.
#mount_max = 1000

# Allow non-root users to specify the allow_other or allow_root mount options.

After fuse is installed, I install mergerfs. I would grab the proper package from the github repository as the packages are out of date.

My use case for mergerfs is that I always want to write to the local disk first and all my applications (Sonarr/Radarr/rTorrent/Plex/Emby/etc) all point directly to /gmedia. For them it's not relevant if the file is local or remote as they should act the same.

    /data/local (local mirror disk)
    /GD (rclone mount)

My rclone.conf has an entry for the Google Drive connection and and encrypted folder in my Google Drive called "media". I mount media with rclone script to display the decrypted contents to my server.

My rclone looks like: rclone.conf

This is my current rclone.service file which has the mount settings documented in it rclone.service

They all get mounted up via my systemd scripts as it goes in order of mounting my rclone, running a fine to warm up the cache and the mergerfs mount last.

My gmedia starts up items in order:

  1. rclone service This is the standard rclone mount.
  2. mergerfs service This needs to be named the same as the mount point for the mount to work properly. I use /gmedia so the file is named accordingly.
  3. find command which justs caches the directory and file structure and provides me an output of the structure. This is not required but something I choose to do to warm up the cache. This fires and forgets as it takes ~30 seconds so I don't wait for it to complete.

mergerfs configuration

This is located over here if you want to request help or compile from source mergerfs@github

I found unionfs to not do what I wanted and I can't stand the hidden files so for my, it's much easier to configure and use mergerfs.

The following options make it always write to the first disk in the mount as with post 2.25 there are some changes with the settings so I had to add a few things that were default before.

-o rw,async_read=false,use_ino,allow_other,func.getattr=newest,category.action=all,category.create=ff,cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true

Important items:

  • async_read=false is needed as rclone uses sync_read.
  • use_ino is for hard linking with Sonarr/Radarr.
  • auto_cache has been replaced by cache.files=auto-full and uses memory for caching and helps out a bit if you have extra memory to spare.
  • category.action=all,category.create=ff says to always create directories / files on the first listed mount point and for my configuration that is my /data/local
  • if you are reading directly from your rclone mount, you do not need to worry about any of the mergerfs settings.

Scheduled Nightly Uploads

I moved my files to my GD every ngiht via a cron job and an upload cloud script. This leverages an excludes file which gets rid of partials and my torrent directory.

This is my cron entry:

# Cloud Upload
12 3 * * * /opt/rclone/scripts/upload_cloud

This is my only upload to my Google Drive minus subtitles so I can this at 700GB per day to not hit the 750GB daily upload quota that is published by Google.

Plex Tweaks

If you have a lot of directories and files, it might be helpful to increase the file watchers by adding this to your /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting. I choose the number below as I wanted to have plenty of capacity over the default.

# Plex optimizations

These tips and more for Linux can be found at the Plex Forum Linux Tips

Reducing API USage / Save Download Quota

There are a number of things I make sure are off in my setup to ensure that my API calls are lower and that I do not hit the download quotas for the day.


  • Enable Thumbnail previews - Off - This creates a full read of the file to generate the preview and is set per library that is setup
  • Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance - This is under scheduled tasks and this does a full download and is ony used for bandwidth analysis with streaming.


  • Analyse video files - This does full downloads to perform analysis and should be off as this happens frequently on refreshes if left on.

Caddy Proxy Server

I use Caddy to server majority of my things as I plug directly into Google Authentication oAuth to make life easier. I have this as a toggle as I at times use CloudFlare for a CDN.

My configuration is here

OpenVPN Configuration

For all my private traffic, I use TorGuard as they support port forwarding and have very good support.

Setup and Configuration


My Scripts for Plex / Emby with Google Drive and rclone


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