jameskermode / f90wrap-wheels

Wheel builder for f90wrap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


NOW DEUFUNCT Wheels are now build directly in the f90wrap repo

Wheel builder for f90wrap

This repository uses multibuild to build wheels for Mac OS X and manylinux. Builds are trigged on every commit, but wheels are only deployed to GitHub on tags.

Making a release

There are 3 steps:

  1. Making a source release of f90wrap to PyPI
  2. Trigger the wheel build
  3. Release wheels to PyPI

Source release of f90wrap

The f90wrap source distribution is fetched from PyPI, so you need to do a standard sdist release first, e.g.:

cd f90wrap
git tag v0.x.y
git push --tags
python3 -m build                            # build source distribution
python3 -m twine dist/f90wrap-0.x.y.tar.gz  # upload to PyPI

Triggering the wheel build

Now change to the f90wrap-wheels repo, and change the F90WRAP_VERSION environment variable in .github/workflows/build.yml to match the just-released version plus a release candidate suffix such as -rc1 for the first attempt, create a matching tag and push to trigger the build:

cd f90wrap-wheels
emacs .travis.yml # change F90WRAP_VERSION to v0.x.y-rc1
git add .travis.yml
git commit -m 'release v0.x.z-rc1'
git tag v0.x.y-rc1
git push --tags

If all goes well, the .whl files will show up as assets within a new GitHub release. The installation process can now be tested locally, e.g. on Mac OS X with Python 3.9:

pip install https://github.com/jameskermode/f90wrap-wheels/releases/download/v0.x.y-rc1/f90wrap-0.2.5-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl

If there are problems with the build, the test.sh script can be useful to debug within a local Docker container.

Release wheels to PyPI

Once everything works correctly, make a full release (i.e. create a tag named just v0.x.y without the -rc1 suffix). This will trigger the upload of wheels to PyPI.


Wheel builder for f90wrap


Language:Shell 100.0%