jameskermode / JuLIP.jl

Julia Library for Interatomic Potentials

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JuLIP: Julia Library for Interatomic Potentials

A package for rapid implementation and testing of new interatomic potentials and molecular simulation algorithms. Requires v0.5 of Julia.

The structure of JuLIP is heavily inspired by ASE but uses more "Julian" notation. JuLIP relies on ASE for much of the materials modeling background such as generating computational cells for different materials. The main idea for JuLIP is that, while ASE is pure Python and hence relies on external software to efficiently evaluate interatomic potentials, Julia allows the implementation of fast potentials in pure Julia, often in just a few lines of code.

At present, JuLIP is very much a work in progress. It provides infrastructure to rapidly implement and test some simple potentials, and to explore new molecular simulation algorithms.

In the foreseeable future we plan to implement better optimised calculators, create links to electronic structure packages, possibly include potentials for molecules (the focus at the moment is materials).


JuLIP relies on ASE and matscipy; they should both be straightforward to install; please follow instructions on the respective websites.

Afterwards, install JuLIP, from the Julia REPL:


and run


to make sure the installation succeeded. If a test fails, please open an issue.

imolecule and dependencies

This part can be skipped if no visualisation is required; using JuLIP will then simply print a warning.

JuLIP.Visualise uses the Python module imolecule to visualise atomistic configurations in an IPython notebook. Its main dependency is OpenBabel. This was somewhat painful to get to work with Anaconda; the following are two alternative set of instructions that worked at some point.

Option 1

conda install -c omnia openbabel=2015.09
pip install imolecule

Option 2

If Option 1 fails, then try the following instructions, which were only tested on OS X.

To install imolecule simply type

pip install imolecule

in a terminal.

Installing OpenBabel is relatively straightforward; the key issue is to get the Python bindings set up correctly, especially since there are normally multiple Python versions on an OS X system (Apple, homebrew and anaconda). The following instructions worked for 2.3.90, but make sure to change the SWIG version number directories as needed:

conda install cmake lxml swig
git clone https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel.git
cd openbabel
cmake ../openbabel-2.3.2 -DPYTHON_BINDINGS=ON -DRUN_SWIG=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/anaconda -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=~/anaconda/include/python2.7 -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=~/anaconda/lib -DSWIG_DIR=~/anaconda/share/swig/3.0.2/ -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=~/anaconda/bin/swig -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=~/anaconda/lib/libpython2.7.so
make install

This should have installed all libraries and python packages in ~/anaconda and the data files in /usr/local/share/openbabel/2.3.90/. To tell babel where to find them, the following lines must be added to ~/.bash_profile:

export BABEL_DATADIR="/usr/local/share/openbabel/2.3.90/"
export BABEL_LIBDIR="/Users/ortner/anaconda/lib/openbabel/2.3.90/"


The following are some minimal examples to just get something to run. More intersting examples will hopefully follow soon.

Vacancy in a bulk Si cell

using JuLIP
at = Atoms("Si", cubic=true, pbc=(true,true,true)) * (4,4,4)
deleteat!(at, 1)
set_calculator!(at, JuLIP.Potentials.StillingerWeber())
set_constraint!(at, FixedCell(at))
JuLIP.Visualise.show(at)   # (this will only work in a ipynb)

see the BulkSilicon.ipynb notebook under examples for an extended example.

Construction of a Buckingham potential

using JuLIP
using JuLIP.Potentials
r0 = JuLIP.ASE.rnn("Al")
A = 4.0;  # stiffness paramter
pot = AnalyticPotential( :( 6.0 * exp(- $A * (r/$r0 - 1.)) - $A * ($r0/r)^6 ) )
pot = pot * SplineCutoff(2.1*r0, 3.5*r0)   
# `pot` can now be used as a calculator to do something interesting ...

An Example with TightBinding

Similar to vacancy example but with a Tight-Binding Model. First install TightBinding.jl:


Then run

using JuLIP, TightBinding
TB = TightBinding
# sp model for Si (NRL-Tight Binding)
tbm = TB.NRLTB.NRLTBModel(elem=TB.NRLTB.Si_sp, nkpoints = (0,0,0))
# bulk crystal
at = Atoms("Si", cubic=true, pbc=(true,true,true)) * (4,4,4)
Eref = energy(tbm, at)
# create vacancy
deleteat!(at, 1)
Edef = energy(tbm, at)
# formation energy:
println("Vacancy formation energy = ", Edef - Eref * length(at)/(length(at)+1))
println("(probably this should not be negative! Increase simulation accuracy!)")


Julia Library for Interatomic Potentials



Language:Julia 99.3%Language:Python 0.7%