jameshay218 / zikaInfer

R package for the zika model

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Infer teratogenic congenital syndrome risk from transmission and incidence data


This repository contains code and methodology to allow the user to estimate a gestational risk profile for congenital diseases caused by teratogenic pathogens (namely microcephaly caused by Zika virus (ZIKV) infection). The full model description can be found in the accompanying vignette here:

Model methodology

The package itself can be split into a number of sections:

  1. Functions required to solve the transmission (SEIR) model
  2. Functions required to generate the gestational-week-varying risk curve
  3. Functions to calculate the posterior probability of model parameters given a set of data and an MCMC algorithm to estimate posterior distributions
  4. Functions for post-MCMC statistics and analysis
  5. Plotting functions
  6. Data on ZIKV and microcephaly incidence as provided in the RawData subdirectory.

A full working R script is provided below, but users should refer to the extended usage vignette for a full breakdown of the work flow.


Users should note that all ZIKV infection and microcephaly incidence data used in the accompanying analyses are provided in the accompanying RawData subfolder as .csv files. A summary of these data can be found in the RawData/data_sources.csv file. Note that in these data, the date 01/01/2013 is taken to be day 0, and shown dates are integer-converted dates relative to a baseline of 01/01/2013.


Installation should be straightforward, though there are two dependencies on non-CRAN packages which can be found here:

rlsoda lazymcmc

Note that the rlsoda package is just used to speed up solving the ODE model. This could otherwise be solved used the lsoda package in base R. Users wishing to change this can set the solver using the solver argument when calling the posterior function (see ?create_posterior).

To install the package itself, simply type the following:


Usage - simulated data

The script below can be used to generate simulated data and re-estimate the process-generating parameters. This script is included to assure the reader that the inference framework works correctly.


## Read in some example parameters
## A table like this is needed to control prior bounds and which parameters are 
## fixed during MCMC.

## Times to solve model over
ts <- seq(0,3003,by=1)

## Generate simulated data with known parameters
simDat <- generate_multiple_data(ts, parTab=exampleParTab, weeks=FALSE, 
## Extract incidence and microcephaly data
microDat <- simDat[[1]]
incDat <- simDat[[2]]
peakTimes <- simDat[[3]]

## Generate random starting points for MCMC chain
## Note that we have to constrain the starting points for R0 and the epidemic seed time
## such that trajectory is near expected peak time
startTab <- generateStartingParTab(exampleParTab, peakTimes, restrictedR0=TRUE,"")

## MCMC control parameters
mcmcPars <- c("adaptive_period"=20000,"iterations"=50000,"opt_freq"=1000,"thin"=10,"save_block"=100,"popt"=0.44)

## Run MCMC chain using univariate sampler
result <- lazymcmc::run_MCMC(parTab=startTab, data=microDat, mcmcPars=mcmcPars,filename="test",
                    CREATE_POSTERIOR_FUNC = create_posterior, mvrPars=NULL,PRIOR_FUNC=NULL,
                    OPT_TUNING=0.2, ts=ts,incDat=incDat,peakTimes=NULL)

## Use these results to get covariance matrix to run multivariate sampler
chain <- read.csv(result$file)
chain <- chain[chain$sampno >= mcmcPars["adaptive_period"],]
covMat <- cov(chain[,2:(ncol(chain)-1)])
startTab$values <- get_best_pars(chain)
mvrPars <- list(covMat,2.38/sqrt(nrow(startTab[startTab$fixed==0,])),w=0.8)
mcmcPars["popt"] <- 0.234

## Run MCMC chain using multivariate sampler
final <- lazymcmc::run_MCMC(parTab=startTab, data=microDat, mcmcPars=mcmcPars,filename="test",
                    CREATE_POSTERIOR_FUNC = create_posterior, mvrPars=mvrPars,PRIOR_FUNC=NULL,
                    OPT_TUNING=0.2, ts=ts,incDat=incDat,peakTimes=NULL)
chain <- read.csv(final$file)
chain <- chain[chain$sampno >= mcmcPars["adaptive_period"],(which(exampleParTab$fixed == 0) + 1)]

## Compare posterior densities to simulated point values
pars <- exampleParTab$values
names(pars) <- exampleParTab$names


Usage - real data

The script below can be used to estimate posterior densities for data from Bahia, Brazil.


## Read in some example parameters
## A table like this is needed to control prior bounds and which parameters are 
## fixed during MCMC.

## Times to solve model over
ts <- seq(0,3003,by=1)

## Read in data
## Note that "2013-01-01" is considered to be day 0

## Generate random starting points for MCMC chain
## Note that we have to constrain the starting points for R0 and the epidemic seed time
## such that trajectory is near expected peak time
startTab <- generateStartingParTab(exampleParTab, bahiaPeakTimes, restrictedR0=TRUE,"")

## MCMC control parameters
mcmcPars <- c("adaptive_period"=20000,"iterations"=50000,"opt_freq"=1000,"thin"=10,"save_block"=100,"popt"=0.44)

## Run MCMC chain using univariate sampler
result <- lazymcmc::run_MCMC(parTab=startTab, data=bahiaMicroDat, mcmcPars=mcmcPars,filename="test",
                    CREATE_POSTERIOR_FUNC = create_posterior, mvrPars=NULL,PRIOR_FUNC=NULL,
                    OPT_TUNING=0.2, ts=ts,incDat=bahiaIncDat,peakTimes=NULL)

## Use these results to get covariance matrix to run multivariate sampler
chain <- read.csv(result$file)
chain <- chain[chain$sampno >= mcmcPars["adaptive_period"],]
covMat <- cov(chain[,2:(ncol(chain)-1)])
startTab$values <- get_best_pars(chain)
mvrPars <- list(covMat,2.38/sqrt(nrow(startTab[startTab$fixed==0,])),w=0.8)
mcmcPars["popt"] <- 0.234

## Run MCMC chain using multivariate sampler
final <- lazymcmc::run_MCMC(parTab=startTab, data=bahiaMicroDat, mcmcPars=mcmcPars,filename="test",
                    CREATE_POSTERIOR_FUNC = create_posterior, mvrPars=mvrPars,PRIOR_FUNC=NULL,
                    OPT_TUNING=0.2, ts=ts,incDat=bahiaIncDat,peakTimes=NULL)
chain <- read.csv(final$file)

## Look at inferred risk curve

chain <- chain[chain$sampno >= mcmcPars["adaptive_period"],(which(exampleParTab$fixed == 0) + 1)]


GPL-2 © James Hay <james.hay13@imperial.ac.uk>.


R package for the zika model


Language:R 93.3%Language:C++ 5.3%Language:C 1.4%