jamengual / ansible-grafana

Ansible role for grafana deployment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


grafana role for ansible.


  • Protected with nginx and http basic auth
  • Read-only access for data and read-write for dashboards
  • Many instances per server could be deployed
  • SSL ready, https is forced if enabled

Role Variables

  • grafana_owner basically nginx user, www-data by default
  • grafana_version if defined, install this version via binary rather than building from git
  • grafana_git_url git url for grafana, set to upstream by default
  • grafana_git_branch git branch to track, set to master by default
  • grafana_root_path path to clone grafana, /var/www/grafana by default
  • grafana_default_route default dashboard url, /dashboard/file/default.json by default
  • grafana_index grafana index to store dashboards, grafana-dash by default
  • grafana_elasticsearch_url elasticsearch url for nginx, by default
  • grafana_graphite_url graphite-web url for nginx, by default
  • grafana_nginx_config_name nginx config name, grafana.conf by default
  • grafana_nginx_config_path nginx configs dir, /etc/nginx/sites-enabled by default
  • grafana_nginx_listen nginx listen address, by default
  • grafana_nginx_server_name nginx server_name (hostname), by default
  • grafana_nginx_access_log path to nginx access_log, false by default
  • grafana_nginx_error_log path to nginx error_log, false by default
  • grafana_nginx_enable_ssl whether or not ssl should be enabled, false by default
  • grafana_nginx_ssl_cert_path nginx ssl certificate path, "" by default
  • grafana_nginx_ssl_key_path nginx ssl key path, "" by default
  • grafana_nginx_http_auth_file path to nginx http auth file, false by default

Minimal installation on ubuntu requires none of variables to be set, it will work on


  • nginx
  • elasticsearch
  • (optional) node.js, required if grafana_version is not set.


Basic Authentication

Basic authentication may be set up with

apt: pkg=apache2-utils
command: htpasswd -bc {{ grafana_nginx_http_auth_file }} username password

Self-Signed Certificate

You can create a self-signed certificate to use for SSL:

- command: openssl genrsa -out {{ grafana_nginx_ssl_key_path }} 2048 creates={{ grafana_nginx_ssl_key_path }}
- command: openssl req -new -key {{ grafana_nginx_ssl_key_path }} -out {{ grafana_nginx_ssl_csr_path }} -subj "/C={{ country_code }}/ST={{ state }}/L={{ location }}/O={{ organication }}/OU={{ organizational_unit }}/CN={{ cname }}" creates={{ grafana_nginx_ssl_csr_path }}
- command: openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in {{ grafana_nginx_ssl_csr_path }} -signkey {{ grafana_nginx_ssl_key_path }} -out {{ grafana_nginx_ssl_cert_path }} creates={{ grafana_nginx_ssl_cert_path }}

Listen Address

The default installation only listens on, so is not externally accessible. To make your server publicly accessible, set grafana_nginx_listen to If you do this, it's strongly recommended that you also set grafana_nginx_enable_ssl and grafana_nginx_http_auth_file to password protect the site and ensure that the password is not sent in the clear.



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Ansible role for grafana deployment