jamazi / jailbox

Torify the system with multiple tor exit nodes and load balance.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Redirect Linux tcp connections through multiple load-balanced tor connections with ability to use direct internet for specific programs.



  • Install Tor:


      sudo apt install tor
  • Clone this repository:

      git clone https://github.com/jamazi/jailbox.git
  • Run setup script:

      sudo ./setup

Archlinux users:

    yay -S jailbox-git


  • Edit configurations (optional):

      sudo nano /etc/jailbox/config
  • Start jailbox:

      sudo jailbox-start


      sudo systemctl start jailbox
  • Run program with direct internet connection, examples:

    shell on current user:

      sudo -E unjailbox

    firefox with specific profile:

      sudo -E unjailbox -c "firefox --new-instance -P clearnet"

    curl on specific user:

      sudo unjailbox -u root curl -v ifconfig.me
  • Stop jailbox:

      sudo jailbox-stop


      sudo systemctl stop jailbox

Some usefull config:

default_nameservers: this is the default dns servers used for unjailed programs or when jailbox is stopped.

tor_count: how many tor connections should be used to load balance your connections through them.

allowed_ports: accept incomming tcp connections to this port (like if you want to accept ssh connections).

allowed_input_lan: accept any inbound connections from this address list (eg: allowed_input_lan="").

restrictive: if not 0 jailbox will drop packets before they reach other filter rules, otherwise jailbox will deliver packets to other filter rules.

allow_udp: if 1 jailbox will allow outgoing udp connections without being torifyed.

allow_ping: if 1 jailbox will allow outgoing ping requests without being torifyed.

PreStart/PostStart/PreStop/PostStop: Command to run automatically before or after jailbox start/stop, jailbox-post-start and jailbox-pre-stop scripts can be used here to prevent leak while restarting jailbox.


Torify the system with multiple tor exit nodes and load balance.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%