jaltmayerpizzorno / d2k

YOLOv4/v3 in Keras / Tensorflow 2.1, test-first

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d2k: YOLOv4/v3 in Keras / Tensorflow 2.1, test-first


Welcome to d2k

D2K implements the YOLOv4 and YOLOv3 object detection algorithms in Keras/TensorFlow 2.1.0. Most everything was implemented test-first and the results match the original Darknet and YOLOv4's Darknet (allowing for floating point error fun).

D2K is inference-only so far... (Re-)training is where things really get fun, though, so I'll be looking into adding it as time allows.

Sample YOLOv3 detections for COCO classes

Quick Start

The YOLOv3/YOLOv4 weights files are too big for checking into GitHub directly, but if you have Git LFS set up, cloning the repository should get you copies. Otherwise, after cloning you'll need to get it from the Darknet site:

wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
mv yolov3.weights darknet-files/

See the YOLOv4 GitHub page for where to download the yolov4 weights.

You shouldn't have to install anything. On an Python 3, Tensorflow 2 environment try:

python yolo.py tests/data/dog.png

In Python, using it is as simple as, for example,

net = d2k.network.load(Path('darknet-files/yolov3.cfg').read_text())
model = net.make_model()
image = d2k.image.load(image_file)
boxes = d2k.network.detect_image(model, image)

im = Image.open(image_file)
d2k.box.draw_boxes(im, boxes)

To run the tests

For the tests, you'll need Darknet built on ../darknet, as I embed it using ctypes. I suggest you use my clone of Darknet given a couple of small bugs I fixed (found while coding this project) and also an adjustment to gcc options. There is an equivalent branch for YOLOv4.

pushd ..
git clone https://github.com/jaltmayerpizzorno/darknet.git
cd darknet

Then return to D2K and simply make test:

make test

To see the network used

To see the Keras/Tensorflow NN used, you can pass --print to yolo.py:

python yolo.py --version 4 --print

layer_in = keras.Input(shape=(608, 608, 3))
layer_0 = keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D(((1,1),(1,1)))(layer_in)
layer_0 = keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 3, strides=1, use_bias=False, name='conv_0')(layer_0)
layer_0 = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(epsilon=.00001, name='bn_0')(layer_0)
layer_0 = layer_0 * K.tanh(K.softplus(layer_0))
layer_1 = keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D(((1,1),(1,1)))(layer_0)
layer_1 = keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, strides=2, use_bias=False, name='conv_1')(layer_1)

More Information

The d2k.network.Network class reads a Darknet configuration file and generates an equivalent Keras model; its convert() outputs a list of Python statements building the model, making it easy to check (and incorporate elsewhere if desired). It can also read Darknet YOLOv3/YOLOv4 weights into the resulting model, for use and/or for serializing for later use.

The files under darknet-files are all originally from the Darknet authors, included here for convenience.


  • add training support
  • move non-max suppression into the neural network
  • look to support additional layers

Other Darknet and YOLO

There are YOLOs aplenty. Here are some I find particularly noteworthy:


YOLOv4/v3 in Keras / Tensorflow 2.1, test-first

License:MIT License


Language:Python 96.5%Language:C 3.1%Language:Makefile 0.4%