jakubwesta / python-scoket-chat-nostyles

My python-socket-chat version without 3rd party styles

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Python socket chat

Version of this project with 3rd party tcl styles

Project made by me while learning about sockets. The way how it works, is that you need to run a server (ONLY 1 AT ONCE) and clients (you can have multiple on one computer).

To run this project:

git clone https://github.com/makubas/python-scoket-chat-nostyles

cd python-socket-chat-nostyles

python server.py

Now, to run clients, you need to open a new command line window in the project folder and run python client.py. To connect with server, enter your username and server address which will appear in server window. For example: 5050 is a port defined in config.py. If it won't work, change SERVER variable in config.py to your own computer private ip address.


My python-socket-chat version without 3rd party styles


Language:Python 100.0%