A simple loader for .vox
models from MagicaVoxel.
The base format is fully implemented.
Supported extensions:
- Materials (including legacy MATT materials)
Latest tested odin version: dev-2023-12-nightly:31b1aef4
// Load and parse data from file.
// Alternatively use `vox.load_from_data`.
if data, ok := vox.load_from_file("my_model.vox", context.temp_allocator); ok {
for model, i in data.models {
fmt.printf("Model %i:\n", i)
fmt.printf("\tsize: %v\n", model.size)
for voxel, j in model.voxels {
fmt.printf("\t[%i] %v: %i\n", j, voxel.pos, voxel.color_index)
- Implement more extensions as necessary
All contributions are welcome!