jakubkanna / binary-search-trees

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Tree Class Functions


  • constructor(array)
    • Initializes a new binary search tree using a sorted and unique array.

Tree Building and Modification

  • buildTree(arr)

    • Builds a balanced binary search tree from a sorted array.
  • insert(value, node = this.root)

    • Inserts a new node with the given value into the tree.
  • delete(value, node = this.root)

    • Deletes a node with the given value from the tree.

Tree Traversal

  • find(data, node = this.root)

    • Searches for a node with the given data in the tree.
  • levelOrder(cb)

    • Performs a level-order traversal of the tree, executing a callback function for each node.
  • levelOrderRecursive(cb, queue = [this.root], resultArray = [])

    • Performs a level-order traversal of the tree using recursion.
  • inOrder(cb, node = this.root, list = [])

    • Performs an in-order traversal of the tree, executing a callback function for each node.
  • preOrder(cb, node = this.root, list = [])

    • Performs a pre-order traversal of the tree, executing a callback function for each node.
  • postOrder(cb, node = this.root, list = [])

    • Performs a post-order traversal of the tree, executing a callback function for each node.

Tree Properties

  • height(node = this.root)

    • Calculates the height of the tree.
  • depth(value, node = this.root, edgeCount = 0)

    • Calculates the depth of a node with the given value.
  • isBalanced()

    • Checks if the tree is balanced.

Tree Rebalancing

  • rebalance()
    • Rebalances the tree using an in-order traversal.

Tree Visualization

  • prettyPrint(node, prefix = "", isLeft = true)
    • Visualizes the tree in the console in a structured and readable format.


To install the necessary dependencies, use the following command:

npm i


After installing the dependencies, you can run the app using the following command:

nodemon driver.js

This command will start the application using nodemon, which helps in automatically restarting the application when changes are detected.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%