jakub-heba / portfolio

Personal portfolio of performed audits and assessments, as well as qualifications and content created.

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Portfolio of audits and certificates

About me

Jakub Heba is a cybersecurity expert with almost seven years of experience in the industry. For two years associated with blockchain technology as a Smart Contract and Blockchain auditor. He has conducted over 40 audits of various protocols, mostly related to Decentralized Finances. He specializes in the security of contracts written in Rust and MOVE, in technologies such as CosmWasm, NEAR, Ink!, Substrate, Scrypto, MultiversX (Elrond), AssemblyScript (Massa) or Sui, as well as has a deep technical understanding of EVM and Solidity. He participated in assessments testing low-level aspects of blockchain technology, such as finality proof verifications, serialization libraries, as well as implementations of bridges between many different ecosystems. He has experience in auditing Layer 1 Blockchains written in Rust and MOVE. Additionally, he has experience in testing offchain components such as wallets and Metamask Snaps. Before moving to Web3, he was a Lead Security Researcher and Penetration Tester managing a team of up to 10 engineers. He also specialized in low-level binary exploitation in both UNIX and Windows environments. Holder of OSCP, OSCE and Lead ISO27001 Auditor certificates.

CEO & Cofounder at Monethic. Currently, I'm also a Senior Blockchain Security Auditor at Oak Security, Sub7, Sayfer and Lead Smart Contract Security Auditor at Hacken.

For private audits or security consulting, please reach out to me on:

You can also request a quote on Monethic or Cantina.

Private & Solo Audits

Protocol Type Report
Razor DEX - Decentralized Exchange contracts MOVE, Aptos, Sui πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Wolf Game - Cave Game, ERC721 Solidity, BLAST πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Magic Beans - Magic Beans, OTC Solana, Rust πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Orderly Network - Asset Manager Smart Contract Rust, NEAR πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Cascadia Foundation - Liquidity Pools (Curve fork) Contracts Solidity, Vyper -
Holoride - Holoride Ethereum <> MultiversX bridge Rust, MultiversX/Elrond πŸ“„ Report.pdf

Audits in a team

Protocol Type Report
Jellyverse - Jellyverse Staking, Vesting, Governance, ERC20 Solidity, ERC20 πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Layer Zero - Layer Zero V2 Solana, Anchor, Rust πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Mysten Labs - Sui - Adapter & Verifier MOVE, L1, Sui πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Volo Sui - VOLO Liquid Staking MOVE, Sui πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Satay Finance - Satay Aptos MOVE, Aptos πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Bifrost - Laverage Staking Rust, Substrate πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Starlay Finance - Starlay Protocol WASM Rust, ink! πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Ociswap - Scrypto AVL Tree Implementation Scrypto, AVL Tree, Radix DLT πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Ociswap - Scrypto Math Scrypto, Radix DLT πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Hyperlane - cw-hyperlane Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Stader Labs - SD Token Staking Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Astroport Concentrated Liq Pool - Injective Orderbook Integration Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Astroport - Astral Assembly contracts Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Astroport - Concentrated Liquidity Pool Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Astroport - Astroport on Osmosis Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Brokkr Protocol - Delta Neutral Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Brokkr Protocol - Long Term Bonding Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Osmosis Labs - Osmosis Transmuter Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Stargaze - Reserve Auctions Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Stargaze - Infinity Pool Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Calculated Finance - Contracts Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Hadron Labs - Lido Satellite Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Snowfork - SSZ serialization library - Rust Rust, library πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Membrane - Contracts Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Coinhall - Genie Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Snowbridge - Ethereum <=> Polkadot bridge Rust, Solidity, Polkadot, Ethereum πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Snowbridge - Extension, Ethereum <=> Polkadot bridge Rust, Solidity, Polkadot, Ethereum πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Ixo World - IXO Swap Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Ninja Blaze - Ninja Blaze Double Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Osmosis Labs - Osmosis Transmuter v3 Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Astroport - Astroport Hub Neutron Migration Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf
Yieldmos - Outpost Osmosis Rust, CosmWasm πŸ“„ Report.pdf



  • CVE-2019-10070 - Apache Atlas, Stored Cross Site Scripting
  • CVE-2020-6856 - JOC Cockpit, Jobscheduler, XML External Entity
  • CVE-2020-6854 - JOC Cockpit, Jobscheduler, Multiple Stored Cross Site Scripting
  • CVE-2020-6855 - JOC Cockpit, Jobscheduler, Denial of Service
  • CVE-2021-3584 - Foreman, Authenticated Remote Code Execution via Sendmail configuration


Personal portfolio of performed audits and assessments, as well as qualifications and content created.