jakshin / bbedit-color-schemes

Color schemes for the BBEdit text/code editor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BBEdit Color Schemes

Color schemes for the excellent BBEdit text/code editor (it doesn't suck).
These themes have been tested on BBEdit v12.6, v13 and v14.

Campsite is based on Andrew Hazelden's Charcoal v2.
Solarized was ported from https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/.
Tomorrow & Tomorrow Night were ported from https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme.


Campsite Monokainda Schoon
Solarized Dark Solarized Light
Tomorrow Night Tomorrow


Clone this repo, then:

color_schemes_dir="$HOME/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Color Schemes"

for bbcs in *.bbColorScheme; do
  cp -i "$bbcs" "$color_schemes_dir/"


In BBEdit, open Preferences and select the Text Colors panel.
Use the "Color scheme" dropdown to choose a color scheme.

BBEdit remembers whether you're in light or dark mode when you select a color scheme,
and automatically switches color schemes when you switch between light and dark mode.


Color schemes for the BBEdit text/code editor

License:MIT License