jakkph / prompt_ideas

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100 prompt ideas across 10 design categories that you can use with Framer AI

Basic Design:

  1. Create a simple login screen with a username and password field.
  2. Design a profile card for a social media platform.
  3. Design an onboarding flow for a mobile app.
  4. Create a navigation menu for a website with dropdown options.
  5. Design a minimalist weather app interface.
  6. Create a notification pop-up for a messaging app.
  7. Design a calendar widget for a productivity app.
  8. Create a progress bar for a fitness tracking app.
  9. Design a settings page for a music streaming app.
  10. Create an icon for a food delivery app.

Interactive Prototypes:

  1. Prototype a swipe gesture for a photo gallery.
  2. Create a clickable prototype for a car rental booking process.
  3. Design an interactive map with zoom and pan functionality.
  4. Prototype a shopping cart interaction for an e-commerce app.
  5. Design a music player with play, pause, and skip controls.
  6. Prototype a toggle switch for a dark mode feature.
  7. Create an interactive prototype for a quiz app.
  8. Design a chat interface with typing indicators.
  9. Prototype a drag-and-drop feature for a to-do list app.
  10. Design a slider for adjusting image filters.


  1. Create a loading animation for a travel booking app.
  2. Design an animated transition between two screens.
  3. Prototype a parallax scrolling effect for a landing page.
  4. Design an animation for a button press interaction.
  5. Create an animated menu opening for a mobile app.
  6. Design a bouncing animation for a notification badge.
  7. Prototype a fade-in and fade-out effect for a modal.
  8. Create an animation for a successful form submission.
  9. Design a microinteraction for liking a post.
  10. Prototype a card flip animation for a memory game.

Complex Interactions:

  1. Design an interface for booking a table at a restaurant.
  2. Prototype a multi-step checkout process for an online store.
  3. Create an interactive prototype for a language learning app.
  4. Design an interface for editing a photo with various tools.
  5. Prototype a music playlist reordering feature.
  6. Design an interactive timeline for a historical app.
  7. Create a prototyped navigation flow for a travel app.
  8. Design an interface for creating and managing events.
  9. Prototype a virtual reality tour of a museum.
  10. Design an interface for controlling smart home devices.

Responsive Design:

  1. Design a responsive layout for a news website.
  2. Create an adaptive mobile menu for a restaurant website.
  3. Design a responsive email template for a marketing campaign.
  4. Prototype a collapsible sidebar for a dashboard.
  5. Create an interface that adjusts for both portrait and landscape orientations.
  6. Design a responsive image grid for a portfolio website.
  7. Prototype a responsive product carousel for an online store.
  8. Create a mobile-friendly version of a desktop website.
  9. Design an interface that adapts to different screen sizes.
  10. Prototype a flexible navigation bar for a mobile app.

User Flows:

  1. Design a user flow for signing up and creating a profile.
  2. Create a user flow for searching and booking a flight.
  3. Design a user flow for adding items to a shopping cart.
  4. Create a flow for submitting a support ticket in an app.
  5. Design a user journey for onboarding new users.
  6. Create a flow for exploring and purchasing products in an e-commerce app.
  7. Design a user flow for composing and sending a message.
  8. Create a flow for scheduling appointments in a calendar app.
  9. Design a user journey for exploring and playing songs in a music app.
  10. Create a flow for selecting and ordering food in a delivery app.

Advanced Prototyping:

  1. Prototype a voice-controlled interface for a smart assistant.
  2. Design a gesture-based navigation for a mobile game.
  3. Prototype a 3D rotation interaction for a product showcase.
  4. Design an augmented reality interface for trying on clothes.
  5. Prototype a branching scenario for an interactive story app.
  6. Design an interface for controlling a drone with touch gestures.
  7. Prototype a real-time collaboration feature for a design tool.
  8. Design an interactive dashboard with customizable widgets.
  9. Prototype a virtual tour of a real estate property.
  10. Design an interface for a virtual pet simulation app.

Data Visualization:

  1. Design a bar chart to visualize sales data.
  2. Create a line graph to show user engagement over time.
  3. Design a pie chart for displaying market share.
  4. Create an interactive map to show population density.
  5. Design a scatter plot to represent correlations in data.
  6. Create a radar chart for comparing multiple attributes.
  7. Design a heatmap to visualize website traffic.
  8. Create a stacked area chart to display resource allocation.
  9. Design a histogram to show frequency distribution.
  10. Create a bubble chart for displaying three dimensions of data.


  1. Design a microinteraction for toggling a switch.
  2. Create a microinteraction for confirming a deletion action.
  3. Design a microinteraction for showing password strength.
  4. Create a microinteraction for scrolling through a list.
  5. Design a microinteraction for rating content with stars.
  6. Create a microinteraction for highlighting selected text.
  7. Design a microinteraction for showing a progress indicator.
  8. Create a microinteraction for revealing hidden content.
  9. Design a microinteraction for previewing a linked page.
  10. Create a microinteraction for showing and hiding a tooltip.


  1. Design an interface with high contrast for better readability.
  2. Create an interface with resizable text for different visual preferences.
  3. Design an interface with keyboard navigation in mind.
  4. Create an accessible color palette for users with color blindness.
  5. Design an interface with proper heading hierarchy for screen readers.
  6. Create an interface that adheres to web accessibility guidelines.
  7. Design an interface with clear focus indicators for keyboard users.
  8. Create an interface with alternative text for images.
  9. Design an interface with adjustable font sizes.
  10. Create an interface with captions or transcripts for multimedia content.
