jakepruitt / monet

Simple Ruby on Rails application for storing and editing images online

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Simple Ruby on Rails application for storing and editing images online. Group project for CSE 360. For any questions, email me at jrpruit1@asu.edu, or reach out to me on Twitter at @thejakepruitt :)

Project Requirements

TODO add links to files...

Open Source resources


Usage (development)

First you will need to clone the project.

Then you will need to use bundle to install the dependencies that are listed in the Gemfile. Do this with bundle install --without production --path vendor/bundle. This will install all dependencies into vendor/bundle. When running any rails or rake commands that are not in the bin folder, you will need to prefix them with bundle exec so that they are run with the correct versions of dependencies.

You will also need to install imagemagick. This is not a Ruby Gem, so you will have to find the installation method for your platform.

Next, you will need to apply all migrations to your database. Do this with bin/rake db:migrate

Now, you will need to set up the credentials for Amazon S3. These will not saved in any file, so we pass them to the server through environmental variables. In the shell that you are going to run the server from, run the following commands.


Then you are ready to run the server with bundle exec bin/rails server.

Production Deployment

Set the following config vars on Heroku:



Simple Ruby on Rails application for storing and editing images online

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:CSS 51.6%Language:Ruby 45.2%Language:JavaScript 2.9%Language:CoffeeScript 0.2%