jaisor / LEDCell

LED decor in the form of a hexagon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


3D printed hexagonal shape with LED stip glued on the inner wall. Logic driven by a Seeeduino XIAO XIAO using the FastLED library. The controller requires USB-C cable.

LED strip needs to be 5V, or will require different power accommodations. Any individually programmable LEDs supported by FastLED should work. I have used this WS2812B strip which fits 61 LEDs as defined in the beginning of main.cpp. The LEDs are powered directly by the USB 5V and proper 1A+ USB adapter should be able adequate unless burning all LEDs at max-white continuously, which will cause overheat issues as well.

Once all is ready and tested, I used some E6000 glue to secure the controller and LEDs, but other adhesives or mouting tapes might work.

Wiring Plugged In


USB driver for Windows required: Silicon Labs CP210X

Recommended: VSCode + PlatformIO

3D Print

STL files:

Printing recommendations

White PLA with some level of translucency (most white PLA should work). I have used the following succesfully:

I print at around 200C nozzle. Layer height at half of nozzle diameter. No supports needed for any of the parts. No need for brim and should be printed without raft to ensure smooth bottom layer. Prints well on 0.6mm nozzle with 0.3 mm hegight. The rest of the settings are printer specifics.


LED decor in the form of a hexagon

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%