Jada A. Houser (jahouse)


Geek Repo

Company:Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation

Location:SC, USA

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jada A. Houser's repositories


With this program, the user can input a string, a paragraph of text, or a file in English and ask for it to be encrypted into Balefron code, or enter Balefron code and have it decrypted. Additional features will allow the user to enter their own code sequences for encryption and to interact with a GUI.



The last of the 5 part Connect 4 project for Software Development Foundations. In this version, my professor supplied most of the underlying JSwing code in order to implement the GUI. I was tasked with making it function with my previous code and with the Model View Controller pattern. The user can specify the dimensions of the board, the number in a row need to win, and the number of players that will take turns playing the game.



A repository to store links to past hackathon projects and code and links for future hackathon projects



As a final project for Computer Science II (C/C++) were tasked with simulating a produce stand where customers can buy fruits and vegetables, choose to sign up for a mailing-list and receive a receipt once they've finished shopping. As extra credit, we implemented polymorphism, along with the required use of multiple files and classes.



A repo for web development workshop
