Book Vibe is a React application that provides an engaging platform for users to explore and discover various books. The app features an intuitive user interface built with Tailwind CSS and offers a seamless experience through the use of Axios for API requests and Tanstack Query for data fetching. The application also includes routing capabilities with React Router Dom and manages document head data with Helmet Async.
- Fetches book data using Axios and displays it in a user-friendly format.
- Utilizes Tanstack Query for efficient data fetching and state management.
- Beautifully styled using Tailwind CSS for a responsive design.
- Routing capabilities implemented with React Router Dom for seamless navigation.
- Manages document head elements such as title and meta tags using Helmet Async.
- Visualizations created with Recharts to present data insights.
- React JS: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making requests to the API.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- Tanstack Query: A powerful tool for managing server state in React applications.
- React Router Dom: A collection of navigational components for React applications.
- Helmet Async: A component for managing changes to the document head.