jagg-ix / wasm-kernel-module

Linux Kernel module running WASM filters with wasm3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This Linux Kernel module runs and exposes a Wasm runtime as a proof of concept for checking:

  • Wasm is capable of running the kernel space
  • running code in kernel space in almost all languages compiled to Wasm
  • expose Wasm functionality written in Wasm to eBPF securely

Why doing this?

eBPF is a fine piece of technology for doing low-level tracing, traffic shifting, authorization, and other cool things in the kernel space, and a user space counterpart of an eBPF program helps it to manage more complex logic. Wasm is a fine piece of technology to write more complex business logic (it is Turing-complete). This project aims to create such a setup, where one can support an eBPF program next from Kernel space, with user space level logic, written in Wasm, exposed as a normal Kernel function, instead of communicating through eBPF maps to user space.


This project was presented on KubeCon 2023 Amsterdam, Wasm Day, you can find the recording here.

Which Wasm runtime?

The wasm3 runtime got chosen since it is written in C and has minimal dependencies (except a C library) and it is extremely portable. In kernel space, there is no libc, but we maintain a fork of wasm3 which can run in kernel space as well (check the thrid-party/wasm3/ submodule).

Current restrictions for kernel-space wasm3:

  • no floating point support [can be soft-emulated if needed]
  • no WASI support

Development environment

Our primary development environment is Lima since it supports x86_64 and ARM as well. The module was tested on Ubuntu and Arch Linux and requires kernel version 5.19 and upwards.

As a first step checkout the code:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/cisco-open/wasm-kernel-module.git
cd wasm-kernel-module


Install Lima itself, for example on macOS using brew:

brew install lima

Launch the default VM which is an Ubuntu and matches the host's architecture by default:

limactl start

Setup the required dependencies in the VM:

lima # enter the VM
sudo apt update && sudo apt install make
make setup-vm


If you happen to use Vagrant, there is a Vagrantfile prepared which uses VirtualBox.

On macOS install Vagrant and VirtualBox with brew:

brew install vagrant virtualbox

Bring up the Vagrant machine, this installs the required dependencies automatically into it:

vagrant up

Connect to the Vagrant machine through SSH:

vagrant ssh

Build and install

This assumes that you have created a development environment according to the previous section.

Checkout the code:

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:cisco-open/wasm-kernel-module.git
cd wasm-kernel-module

Build the kernel modules(BearSSL and WASM):


Load the kernel modules(BearSSL and WASM):

make insmod

Unload the kernel modules(BearSSL and WASM):

make rmmod

Follow the kernel logs:

make logs

Install the CLI for the kernel module:

git clone https://github.com/cisco-open/wasm-kernel-module-cli.git
cd wasm-kernel-module-cli

Then follow the instructions here.

TLS Certificates for testing

You will need cfssl for this (brew install cfssl on macOS):

# Create the CA certificate
cfssl gencert -initca ca.json | cfssljson -bare ca

# Create the client/server certificate
cfssl gencert \
  -ca=ca.pem \
  -ca-key=ca-key.pem \
  -config=server.json \
  -profile=server \
  server.json | cfssljson -bare server

Generate the static C resources of these certificates with the BearSSL's brssl CLI and copy these into the given certificate_rsa.h header file:

# Trust anchor (CA)
brssl ta ca.pem

# Server certificate
brssl chain server.pem

# Server private key
brssl skey -C server-key.pem

Test mTLS

The kernel module offers TLS termination on certain ports selected by a rule-set:

# Build and insert the module, then follow the logs
make insmod
make logs

# In another terminal start a server
lima python3 -m http.server

# In another terminal connect to the server (over plaintext, will be TLS terminated by the kernel)
lima curl -v http://localhost:8000


Linux Kernel module running WASM filters with wasm3



Language:C 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%