jagandeep / TripAgency

This sample was made to provide a concrete example on some best practices of the market regarding a java application providing Rest API: hexagonal architecture, living documentation generation based on cucumber and cukedoctor, and many more things ^^

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trip Agency sample


And this for two reasons:

  • the first is that 'build' is more accurate than 'target'.
  • the second is that it is the same as gradle.
    We can say that we killed two birds with one stone.


0 Requirements

1 Sample goals

This sample was made to provide a concrete example on some best practices of the market regarding a java application providing Rest API.
Everything may be not perfect. This sample will always be on WIP.
Be kind and don't hesitate to do some PR/MR ^^
Everyone is welcome!

This sample has many goals:

  • to use best building tools practices: use of BOM (Bill Of Materials) and wrapper (MavenWrapper and GradleWrapper in this sample)
  • to teach the basis of automated tests with Cucumber (third phase of Behaviour Driven Development)
  • to generate a living documentation based on the tests
  • to use the hexagonal architecture, an architectural pattern that allows dissociating the domain code from the technical code and ease also the tests implementation without infrastructure
  • to use i18n (internationalization)
  • to use best practices for CI/CD pipelines (shell scripts in the project to be used in the different CI servers)
  • to use a database managing tools (liquibase here)

2 Wrappers and practices to build

Maven and Gradle wrappers allows developers to use maven and gradle without installing it on their development machine.
It is a script that invokes a declared version of one of this tool, and download it beforehand.
Each solution allow to have a running project quickly and easily up to date with the last version!

2-1 Maven wrapper

Maven wrapper

2-2 Gradle wrapper

Gradle wrapper

2-3 Bom for Bill Of Materials

BOM allows to define in a pom containing a dependency management element filled with dependecies and their versions.
The BOM is used in others projects as a dependency management element.
It allows to centralize the versions and even scope if you want (but this is not a good practice for the scope).

All your projects can used the same dependencies by using the bom you have defined.

Updating your dependencies is done by simply updating it in your bom.
After that you just have to update the version of your bom in your projects.

3 xDD

We try to follow a maximum the three following methods DDD - BDD - TDD to write the code in this sample.

3-1 DDD

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is the concept that the structure and language of software code (class names, class methods, class variables) should match the business domain.
For example, if a software processes loan applications, it might have classes such as LoanApplication and Customer, and methods such as AcceptOffer and Withdraw.

DDD connects the implementation to an evolving model.

Domain-driven design is predicated on the following goals:

placing the project's primary focus on the core domain and domain logic;
basing complex designs on a model of the domain;
initiating a creative collaboration between technical and domain experts to iteratively refine a conceptual model that addresses particular domain problems.

The term was coined by Eric Evans in his book of the same title.

3-2 BDD

In software engineering, Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile software development process that encourages collaboration among developers, QA and non-technical or business participants in a software project.
It encourages teams to use conversation and concrete examples to formalize a shared understanding of how the application should behave.
It emerged from test-driven development (TDD).
Behavior-driven development combines the general techniques and principles of TDD with ideas from domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis and design to provide software development and management teams with shared tools and a shared process to collaborate on software development.

Although BDD is principally an idea about how software development should be managed by both business interests and technical insight, the practice of BDD does assume the use of specialized software tools to support the development process.
Although these tools are often developed specifically for use in BDD projects, they can be seen as specialized forms of the tooling that supports test-driven development. The tools serve to add automation to the ubiquitous language that is a central theme of BDD.

BDD is largely facilitated through the use of a simple domain-specific language (DSL) using natural-language constructs (e.g., English-like sentences) that can express the behaviour and the expected outcomes.
Test scripts have long been a popular application of DSLs with varying degrees of sophistication.
BDD is considered an effective technical practice especially when the "problem space" of the business problem to solve is complex.

BDD is now composed of three phases:

  • Discovery : here Biz, Dev and QA exchanges about the domain. Dev and QA have question, Biz have the answers. Have a look at example mapping workshop.
  • Formulation : transforming the result of the discovery workshop into Gherkins syntax
  • Automation : implementing the glue code to make executable the steps used in Cucumber written in Gherkins

3-3 TDD

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the code is improved so that the tests pass.
This is opposed to software development that allows code to be added that is not proven to meet requirements.

American software engineer Kent Beck, who is credited with having developed or "rediscovered" the technique, stated in 2003 that TDD encourages simple designs and inspires confidence.

Test-driven development is related to the test-first programming concepts of extreme programming, begun in 1999, but more recently has created more general interest in its own right.

Programmers also apply the concept to improving and debugging legacy code developed with older techniques.

4 Living Documentation

See in the following repository in the domain module: domain/build/TripAgency
You should see a pdf file containing the results of the cucumber tests.

5 Hexagonal architecture

Multi modules:

  • domain (the most important module)
  • infrastructure (infrastructure repository) and exposition (infrastructure driver) for the technical ones

6 DataBase Managing tool

Liquibase: Database version control and deployment

7 I18n

to fill

8 CI/CD best practices

For all the following parts of this chapter, a better possibility is to encapsulate your command in a shell script. You can also use a Makefile. This is what I have done here. Create also an alias that can be called from a project and do the work. Example build or make build for a ./mvnw install or ./gradlew build command.

9 Let's make it work

Have a look at the Makefile file to see the actions you can do.


To make the project build, you can use the following commands depending on the tool you want to use: ./mvnw install or ./gradlew build

Generate the living documentation

Here is the command to generate the living documentation with Cukedoctor where

  • CUKEDOCTOR_MAIN_JAR is the path to 'cukedoctor-main.jar'
  • PROJECT_VERSION is the version number of the project

This command should be executed after the execution of Cucumber tests. You can find some in the domain and e2e modules.

java -jar ${CUKEDOCTOR_MAIN_JAR} -o "build/TripAgency/TripAgency_living_documentation-${PROJECT_VERSION}" -p "build/cucumber/TripAgency.json" -t "TripAgency_living_documentation" -f all -numbered -hideSummarySection -hideScenarioKeyword

Generate sonar reports

Here is the command to execute sonar reports generation where:

  • SONAR_URL is the sonar server url
  • SONAR_CREDENTIALS are the credentials to send the reports This two variable have been added in an .env file in the home folder.

sonar-scanner has to be installed for this command to work.

source ~/.env sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=${SONAR_URL} -Dsonar.login=${SONAR_CREDENTIALS} -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8

Launching locally your rest api

you can start the rest exposition by executing the following command line in the exposition folder:
./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

The url to display the swagger page is the following:

Consulting the H2 DB

Connect to this url: http://localhost:12378/tripagency/api/backend/h2-console Fill the information regarding your configuration

Building the docker image of the exposition

To build the docker image of the exposition module, we use Jib. To be able to do so, don't forget to fill the following file with the good credentials: ~/.docker/config.json

Here are the commands to build the image: cd exposition ./mvnw compile jib:build

A docker-compose file is present in the following folder to launch the image: exposition/docker USe this command to launch it: docker-compose up -d The url to display the swagger page is the following:
http://localhost:12378/tripagency/api/swagger-ui/ Warning with the port. Here it is 12378

e2e testing

In the e2e testing part we use the script wait-for-it.sh. This script allows to wait for the docker image to have finished running the embedded web server. You also need to install timeout or gtimeout to make this script works.

On OS X execute the following commands:

brew install coreutils
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/gtimeout /usr/local/bin/timeout


The logs are stored in the following folder : /var/log/tripagency

Use the Makefile to compile and test the project


Install the needed tools to

  • docker and docker-compose
  • timeout or gtimeout. Look at this paragraph

Fill an .env file

You can also us the Makefile included at the root folder of the project. To use it, you will need to have the following file ~/.env with this content:

############################### CI ###############################
export MAVEN_REPOSITORY=${HOME}/.m2/repository
export OPTIONS=-mw



############################# COMMONS #############################
export CUKEDOCTOR_MAIN_JAR=${MAVEN_REPOSITORY}/com/github/cukedoctor/cukedoctor-main/${CUKEDOCTOR_MAIN_VERSION}/cukedoctor-main-${CUKEDOCTOR_MAIN_VERSION}.jar

############################## E2E ###############################

The placeholders (between double brackets) need to be fill with the correct values. Some values have been set (for example CUKEDOCTOR_MAIN_VERSION). You can change the value if it does not fit your environment.

Commands to execute

make ci will build the different components, and the docker image.
make e2e will launch the test by downloading the docker image locally and launch the tests of the module e2e. make clean clean your local repository.

You can launch the following command make ci && make e2e.
Check the living documentation generated in the domain and e2e modules.
After that you clean it by executing the make clean command.


This sample was made to provide a concrete example on some best practices of the market regarding a java application providing Rest API: hexagonal architecture, living documentation generation based on cucumber and cukedoctor, and many more things ^^

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 53.9%Language:Java 32.3%Language:Gherkin 7.2%Language:Kotlin 4.8%Language:Makefile 1.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%