NoinoTheGreatOnion Onion router in python SETUP: -Install Python 2.7.9 -Install virtualenvwrapper -Create a virtualenv and activate it -Install all packages from requirements.txt RUNNING: -Start the server: $ python [port] \# server listens on [port] ex. $ python 9099 -Start clients (>3 required for requests to go through): $ python [port client will listen on] [port server is listening on] [server IP] ex. $ python 6000 9099 -Wait for the server to register all the clients (~5 seconds) -Enter one URL at a time into any client’s stdin, and the response to the GET request on that URL will be onion-routed back to that client -Timeouts will be indicated by the client. Sending another URL on that client is allowed after a timeout. NOTE: -The current implementation of Noino only supports GET requests that return small responses. In order to minimize timeouts, try to query for responses smaller than 5KB. -If too many timeouts happen in a row, try restarting the server from scratch. EXAMPLE CLIENT INTERACTION $ python 6000 9099 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My News Feed</title> <script src="//"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // var init_s = $("#news").html; if (window.localStorage.length != 0) { load_storage(); } $("#msg").keypress(function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { store(); } }); function store() { var curr = Date(); var news = "<p>" + curr + " - " + $("#msg").val() + "</p>"; $("#msg").val(""); localStorage.setItem(curr, news); load_storage(); } //source: function load_storage() { $("#news").html("<p>News...</p>"); for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >=0; i--) { $("#news").append(localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i))); } } }); </script> </head> <body> <h1>My News Feed</h1> <h3>My news update: <input type="text" id="msg" name="msg" size="30" /></h3> <div id="news">News...</div> </body> </html>