jadeallenx / Lingua-RU-Declension

A Perl library to decline Russian nouns, adjectives and pronouns

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Lingua::RU::Declension - Decline Russian pronouns, adjectives and nouns


version 0.006


use 5.014;
use utf8;

use Lingua::RU::Declension;

my $rus = Lingua::RU::Declension->new();

# Decline all words to accusitive case
my $case = 'acc';
my $friend = 'друг';
my $acc_friend = $rus->decline_noun(friend, $case); # друга
my $acc_new = $rus->decline_adjective('новый', $friend, $case); # нового
my $acc_our = $rus->decline_pronoun('наш', $friend, $case); # нашeго

# Я вижу нашeго нового друга!
say $rus->russian_sentence_stem($case) . " $acc_our $acc_new $acc_friend!";


This module is an attempt to help me understand Russian grammatical cases. It also has the helpful side effect of letting me generate flash cards and quizzes on the topic too.

The data files are UTF-8 encoded comma seperated lines which contain the various nouns, adjectives and pronouns. These are read into memory at class instantiation from the 'share' directory in this distribution. You can edit these files to add your own pronouns, nouns, adjectives and sentence stems.

Errors are fatal using Carp::confess. If you want more robust error handling, try using a module like Try::Tiny.



This is the class constructor.


Return a list of nouns from the database which return true for the supplied filter code block.


my $code = sub {
    my $noun_data = shift;
    return 1 if $noun_data->{gender} eq "f";
    return 0;

my @feminine_nouns = $rus->select_nouns($code);


This function will randomly select and then decline an adjective from the database. You must pass in a noun, a case, and if a plural form is wanted. The return value is a UTF-8 string.


This function will randomly select an adjective from the database and return it as a UTF-8 string to the caller.


This function will decline the given adjective and return it as a UTF-8 string to the caller. You must pass in the noun, a case, and if a plural form is wanted.


This function randomly selects a pronoun from the database and returns it as a UTF-8 string to the caller.


This function will decline a randomly selected pronoun from the database and return it to the caller.

You must pass the noun, a case and if a plural form is wanted.


This function will decline a pronoun given the pronoun, its noun, a case, and if a plural form is wanted.


This function will decline the chosen noun to the desired case and in a singular or plural form.

Input parameters:

  • noun - this is the noun to decline. It must exist in the datafiles.
  • case - the desired case for the noun. It can be one of 'nom', 'gen', 'acc', 'dat', 'inst', 'prep'. The default is 'nom'.
  • plural - set to 'plural' if a plural form is desired. The default is singular.

Output: UTF-8 string with the declined noun


This function will select one of the nouns in the database at random and return it to the caller. It is a UTF-8 string.


This function will randomly select and then decline the chosen noun.

You must pass in the desired case and if a plural form is wanted, too.


This method returns a sentence stem in Russian as a UTF-8 string inthe specified case.


This method returns a sentence stem in English for the specified case.


Mark Allen mallen@cpan.org


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Mark Allen.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


A Perl library to decline Russian nouns, adjectives and pronouns


Language:Perl 100.0%