jacqui / botpress-line

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NOTE: This is a work-in-progress, currently being developed. It's not ready for use yet.

Line connector module for Botpress.

This module has been build to accelerate and facilitate development of Line bots.


Installing modules on Botpress is simple. By using the CLI, you only need to type this command in your terminal to add the line module to your bot.

botpress install line

It's also possible to install it through the Botpress UI in the modules section.

Get started

To setup connection of your chatbot to Line, you need to fill the connection settings directly in the module interface. In fact, you only need to follow these 5 steps and your bot will be active.

Settings can also be set programmatically by providing the settings in the ${modules_config_dir}/botpress-line.json

TK - Steps to create a Line bot - TK






You can listen to incoming event easily with Botpress by using bp built-in hear function. You only need to listen to specific Line event to be able to react to user's actions.

   platform: 'line',
   type: 'message',
   user: profile,
   text: e.message.text,
   raw: e


You can acces to all user's profile information by using this module. A cache have been implemented to fetch all information about users and this information is sent to middlewares.

  id: profile.id,
  platform: 'line',
  name: profile.name,
  picture: profile.picture,
  status: profile.status

Note: All new users are automatically saved by this module in Botpress built-in database (bp.db).

Text messages

An event is sent to middlewares for each incoming text message from Line platform with all specific information.

  platform: 'line',
  type: 'message',
  user: profile,
  text: e.message.text,
  raw: e

Then, you can listen easily to this event in your module or bot



  platform: 'line',
  type: 'postback',
  user: profile,
  text: e.postback.payload,
  raw: e


Incoming messages with rich media are supported. Individual attachments are also emmited individually (see Image, Video, Audio below)

  platform: 'line',
  type: 'image',
  user: profile,
  text: e.message.image.length,
  raw: e

Individual Attachment extracted from the Attachments event.

Note that Stickers, Thumbs Up, GIFs and Pictures are considered images too.

  platform: 'line',
  type: 'image', // Same for 'video', 'file' and 'audio'
  user: profile,
  text: 'http://www.image.url',
  raw: { type: 'image', payload: { url: '...' }}

Same signature as Image above.


By using our module, you can send anything you want to your users on Line. In fact, this module support all types of messenge that are available on line (text, images, videos, audios, stickers...).

Creating actions without sending them

Note that all the below actions are available under two format: send___ and create____, the latter effectively only creating the middleware Event without sending it to the outgoing middleware. This is useful when combining libraries together (for example Botkit):

  // This message won't be sent
  const message = bp.messenger.createText(event.user.id, 'What is your name?')
  // But `message` is a fully formed middleware event object, ready to be sent
  // example using the botpress-botkit module
  convo.ask(message, function(response, convo) { /* ... */ })

Text messages

In code, it is simple to send a message text to a specific users (line doc).

sendText(userId, text, [options]) -> Promise

  1. userId (String): Correspond to unique Line's recipient identifier. Usually, this recipient_id is available from input message.

  2. text (String): Text message that will be send to user.

  3. options (Object): An object that may contain:

  • quick_replies which is an array of quick replies to attach to the message
  • typing indicator. true for automatic timing calculation or a number in milliseconds (turns off automatically)
  • waitDelivery the returning Promise will resolve only when the message is delivered to the user
  • waitRead the returning Promise will resolve only when the user reads the message

(Promise): Send to outgoing middlewares a formatted Object than contains all information (platform, type, text, raw) about the text message that needs to be sent to Line platform. The promise resolves when the message was successfully sent to line, except if you set the waitDelivery or waitRead options.

const userId = 'USER_ID'
const text = "Select between these two options?"
const options = {

bp.messenger.sendText(userId, text, options)
.then(() => {
  // the message was read because of `waitRead` option  


By using this function, you can send any type of attachment to your users (line doc).

sendAttachment(userId, type, url, [options]) -> Promise

  1. userId (String): Correspond to unique Line's recipient identifier

  2. type (String): Specific type of attachment can be 'audio', 'file', 'image' or 'video'

  3. url (String): Correspond to specific url of the attachment that need to be sent.

  4. options (Object): An object that may contain:

  • quick_replies
  • typing
  • waitDelivery the returning Promise will resolve only when the message is delivered to the user
  • waitRead the returning Promise will resolve only when the user reads the message

(Promise): Send to outgoing middlewares a formatted Object than contains all information (platform, type, text, raw) about the attachment that needs to be sent to Line platform.

const userId = 'USER_ID'
const type = 'image'
const url = 'https://github.com/botpress/botpress/blob/master/images/botpress-dark.png?raw=true'

bp.messenger.sendAttachment(userId, type, url)


By using this module, it's easy to send any type of supported template to your users (line doc).

  1. userId (String): Correspond to unique Line's recipient identifier

  2. payload (Object): Specific payload object for your selected template. Actually, many types of template (button, generic, list, receipt...) are supported by Line.

  3. options (Object): An object that may contains:

  • typing
  • waitDelivery the returning Promise will resolve only when the message is delivered to the user
  • waitRead the returning Promise will resolve only when the user reads the message

(Promise): Send to outgoing middlewares a formatted Object than contains all information (platform, type, text, raw) about the template that needs to be sent.

const userId = 'USER_ID'
const payload = {
    template_type: "button",
    text: "Have you seen our awesome website?",
    buttons: [
            type: "web_url",
            url: "https://www.botpress.io",
            title: "Show Website"

bp.messenger.sendTemplate(userId, payload, { typing: 2000 })


This module support postbacks. Postbacks occur when a user performs an action on a template message (line doc).

Automatic profile lookup

Profiles are automatically lookedup using Line's API. The profile of the user can be found in the incoming middleware events: event.user

The following properties are available: displayName, userId, pictureUrl, statusMessage.

Save users in Database

Users are automatically persisted in the built-in botpress database using the built-in bp.db.saveUser function.

Webhook security check

botpress-line verifies that requests really come from line's servers by validating requests headers. Line calls this Signature Validation.


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Get an invite and join us now! 👉 https://slack.botpress.io


botpress-messenger is licensed under AGPL-3.0


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%Language:CSS 0.0%