jacque006 / single-pool-dex

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๐Ÿ— scaffold-eth | ๐Ÿฐ BuidlGuidl

๐Ÿšฉ Challenge 5: Minimum Viable Exchange

This challenge will provide a tutorial to help you build/understand a simple decentralized exchange, with one token-pair (ERC20 BALLOONS ($BAL) and ETH). This readme is an upated version of the original tutorial. Please read the intro for a background on what we are building! There is also a Youtube video that may help you understand the concepts covered within this challenge too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP5w6Ger1EQ&t=364s&ab_channel=SimplyExplained.

This branch was heavily based off of this branch: https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-challenges/tree/challenge-5-dex.

Checkpoint 0: ๐Ÿ“ฆ install ๐Ÿ“š

TODO: Update this with appropriate links

git clone https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-challenges.git challenge-5-dex
cd challenge-5-dex
git checkout challenge-5-dex
yarn install

Checkpoint 1: ๐Ÿ”ญ Environment ๐Ÿ“บ

You'll have three terminals up for:

yarn start (react app frontend)

yarn chain (hardhat backend)

yarn deploy (to compile, deploy, and publish your contracts to the frontend)

Navigate to the Debug Contracts tab and you should see two smart contracts displayed called DEX and Balloons.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Rerun yarn deploy whenever you want to deploy new contracts to the frontend (run yarn deploy --reset for a completely fresh deploy if you have made no contract changes).

Balloons.sol is just an example ERC20 contract that mints 1000 to whatever address deploys it. DEX.sol is what we will build in this tutorial and you can see it starts with a SafeMath library to help us prevent overflows and underflows and also tracks a token (ERC20 interface) that we set in the constructor (on deploy).

Checkpoint 2: Reserves

Feature Details: We want to create an automatic market where our contract will hold reserves of both ETH and ๐ŸŽˆ Balloons. These reserves will provide liquidity that allows anyone to swap between the assets.

Letโ€™s add a couple new variables to DEX.sol:

uint256 public totalLiquidity;
mapping (address => uint256) public liquidity;

These variables track the total liquidity, but also by individual addresses too. Then, letโ€™s create an init() function in DEX.sol that is payable and then we can define an amount of tokens that it will transfer to itself:

function init(uint256 tokens) public payable returns (uint256) {
  require(totalLiquidity==0,"DEX:init - already has liquidity");
  totalLiquidity = address(this).balance;
  liquidity[msg.sender] = totalLiquidity;
  require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokens));
  return totalLiquidity;

Calling init() will load our contract up with both ETH and ๐ŸŽˆ Balloons.

We can see that the DEX starts empty. We want to be able to call init() to start it off with liquidity, but we donโ€™t have any funds or tokens yet. Add some ETH to your local account using the faucet and then find the 00_deploy_your_contract.js file. Uncomment the line below and add your address:

  // // paste in your address here to get 10 balloons on deploy:
  // await balloons.transfer("YOUR_ADDRESS","" + (10 * 10 ** 18));

Run yarn deploy. The front end should show you that you have balloon tokens. We canโ€™t just call init() yet because the DEX contract isnโ€™t allowed to transfer tokens from our account. We need to approve() the DEX contract with the Balloons UI. Copy and paste the DEX address and then set the amount to 5000000000000000000 (5 _ 10ยนโธ). You can confirm this worked using the allowance() function. Now we are ready to call init() on the DEX. We will tell it to take (5 _ 10ยนโธ) of our tokens and we will also send 0.01 ETH with the transaction. You can see the DEX contract's value update and you can check the DEX token balance using the balanceOf function on the Balloons UI.

This works pretty well, but it will be a lot easier if we just call the init() function as we deploy the contract. In the 00_deploy_your_contract.js script try uncommenting the init section so our DEX will start with 3 ETH and 3 Balloons of liquidity:

  // // uncomment to init DEX on deploy:
  // console.log("Approving DEX ("+dex.address+") to take Balloons from main account...")
  // // If you are going to the testnet make sure your deployer account has enough ETH
  // await balloons.approve(dex.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('100'));
  // console.log("INIT exchange...")
  // await dex.init("" + (3 * 10 ** 18), {value:ethers.utils.parseEther('3'), gasLimit:200000})

Now when we yarn deploy --reset then our contract should be initialized as soon as it deploys and we should have equal reserves of ETH and tokens.

Checkpoint 3: Price

Feature Details: Follow along with the original tutorial Price section for an understanding of the DEX's pricing model and for a price function to add to your contract. You may need to update the Solidity syntax (e.g. use + instead of .add, * instead of .mul, etc). Deploy when you are done.

๐Ÿฅ… Goals TODO

  • Do you understand how the x*y=k price curve actually works? Write down a clear explanation for yourself and derive the formula for price. You might have to shake off some old algebra skills!
  • You should be able to go through the price section of this tutorial with the sample numbers and generate the same outputChange variable.

Hints: See this link (https://hackernoon.com/formulas-of-uniswap-a-deep-dive), solve for the change in the Output Reserve. Also, don't forget to think about how to implement the trading fee. Solidity doesn't allow for decimals, so one way that contracts are written to implement percentage is using whole uints (997 and 1000) as numerator and denominator factors, respectively.

Checkpoint 4: Trading

Feature Details: Letโ€™s edit the DEX.sol smart contract and add two new functions for swapping from each asset to the other.

**Solution Code (don't look until you have tried!)**
function ethToToken() public payable returns (uint256) {
  uint256 token_reserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
  uint256 tokens_bought = price(msg.value, address(this).balance - msg.value, token_reserve);
  require(token.transfer(msg.sender, tokens_bought));
  return tokens_bought;

function tokenToEth(uint256 tokens) public returns (uint256) {
  uint256 token_reserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
  uint256 eth_bought = price(tokens, token_reserve, address(this).balance);
  (bool sent, ) = msg.sender.call{value: eth_bought}("");
  require(sent, "Failed to send user eth.");
  require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokens));
  return eth_bought;

Each of these functions calculate the resulting amount of output asset using our price function that looks at the ratio of the reserves vs the input asset. We can call tokenToEth and it will take our tokens and send us ETH or we can call ethToToken with some ETH in the transaction and it will send us tokens. Letโ€™s deploy our contract then move over to the frontend. Exchange some ETH for tokens and some tokens for ETH!

Checkpoint 5: Liquidity

Feature Details: So far, only the init() function controls liquidity. To make this more decentralized, it would be better if anyone could add to the liquidity pool by sending the DEX both ETH and tokens at the correct ratio. Letโ€™s create two new functions that let us deposit and withdraw liquidity. How would you write this function out? Try before taking a peak!

**Solution Code (don't look until you have tried!)**
function deposit() public payable returns (uint256) {
  uint256 eth_reserve = address(this).balance - msg.value;
  uint256 token_reserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
  uint256 token_amount = ((msg.value * token_reserve) / eth_reserve) + 1;
  uint256 liquidity_minted = (msg.value * totalLiquidity) / eth_reserve;
  liquidity[msg.sender] += liquidity_minted;
  totalLiquidity += liquidity_minted;
  require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), token_amount));
  return liquidity_minted;

function withdraw(uint256 liq*amount) public returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 token_reserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 eth_amount = (liq_amount * address(this).balance) / totalLiquidity;
uint256 token*amount = (liq_amount * token_reserve) / totalLiquidity;
liquidity[msg.sender] -= liq_amount;
totalLiquidity -= liq_amount;
(bool sent, ) = msg.sender.call{value: eth_amount}("");
require(sent, "Failed to send user eth.");
require(token.transfer(msg.sender, token_amount));
return (eth_amount, token_amount);

Take a second to understand what these functions are doing after you paste them into DEX.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts: The deposit() function receives ETH and also transfers tokens from the caller to the contract at the right ratio. The contract also tracks the amount of liquidity the depositing address owns vs the totalLiquidity. The withdraw() function lets a user take both ETH and tokens out at the correct ratio. The actual amount of ETH and tokens a liquidity provider withdraws will be higher than what they deposited because of the 0.3% fees collected from each trade. This incentivizes third parties to provide liquidity.

๐Ÿฅ… Goals TODO

  • Deposit liquidity, and then check your liquidity amount through the mapping. Has it changed properly? Did the right amount of assets get deposited?
  • What happens if you deposit(), then another user starts swapping out for most of the balloons, and then you try to withdraw your position as a liquidity provider? Answer: you should get the amount of liquidity proportional to the ratio of assets within the isolated liquidity pool.

Checkpoint 6: UI


Context for people newer to ReactJS For those that are really new to anything front-end development, there are many resources out there to possibly use. This one was particularly helpful from minutes 15 to 20 describing the typical folder structure within a ReactJS project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7ejDZ8SWv8&ab_channel=TraversyMedia

TODO: *From a fresh master branch off of scaffold-eth repo, we found the following was needed to get things hooked up with the front-end:

  1. Update index.js file within components sub-directory to include some things from the OG challenge repos:
export { default as Dex } from "./DEX";
export { default as Curve } from "./Curve";
  1. Other files you'll need from OG repo: DEX.jsx, Curve.jsx TODO: INSERT LINKS TO OG REPO

  2. You will likely run into errors from your front-end assuming you've ran yarn start already. Let's fix those!

Find useEventListener, useContractLoader, useContractReader, useBlockNumber, useBlanace, useTokenBalance within DEX.jsx file. You will see them calling for .hooks --> delete those and replace with the following:

import { useEventListener } from "eth-hooks/events/useEventListener";
import { useContractLoader } from "eth-hooks";
import { useContractReader } from "eth-hooks";
import { useBlockNumber } from "eth-hooks";
import { useBalance } from "eth-hooks";
import { useTokenBalance } from "eth-hooks/erc/erc-20/useTokenBalance";

These replacements are needed because the pointers within the DEX.jsx and Curve.jsx files from the OG repo are not accurate with the master branch off of scaffold-eth repo.

In 00_deploy_your_contracts.js, you'll have to write in the necessary code to get your contracts, using Ethers.js.

As well, make sure that the tags are updated to your contract names, it should be something like module.exports.tags = ["YourContract"]; and you'll want to change it to:

module.exports.tags = ["Balloons", "DEX"];

Further Check-Ups between DEX in Ch-3 and Ch-5


What's in Ch-5 but not Ch-3 Imports Blockies Missing Button and List DownloadOutlined and UploadOutlined

import { Card, Col, Divider, Input, Row } from "antd"; ๐Ÿ˜Ž
import { useBalance, useContractReader, useBlockNumber } from "eth-hooks"; ๐Ÿ˜Ž
importing Address, TokenBalance are coming from their respectively named subdirectories: "./Address;," and "./TokenBalance;" ๐Ÿ˜Ž
export default function DEX(props) {etc.} <-- this line may have the wrong name, be careful because you are likely exporting Dex, not DEX. --> challnege 3 has Dex, ch5 has DEX
  const ethBalance = useBalance(contractAddress, props.localProvider);
๐Ÿ˜ญ breaks challenge 3 code!
const tx = Transactor(props.injectedProvider...) is different than challenge 3 set up for const tx... in ch3 it is set up so we do not use injectedProvider ๐Ÿ˜Ž
const contractAddress = ternary operators in challenge5, whereas in challenge3 it is just direct, no ternary.
const tokenBalance = useTokenBalance --> this is different but we think it isn't breaking changes.
nonce is in challenge 5 and not challenge 3.
let swapTx differs just cause of nonce showing up.
consolelogging extras
let addingEth = 0 is in challenge 5.
Balloons button is in Challenge 3 DEX not Challenge 5 DEX

Front-End (without the debug tab)

So the debug tab was taken care, or should be working now if all pointers have been corrected and variables instantiated, respectively.

The front-end is brought in through several steps.

State the aspects within the actual front-end display. First, find the comment in your App.jsx: {/* pass in any web3 props to this Home component. For example, yourLocalBalance */}

There you will see the debug code blob below it, it is here where you will outline details for your home-page. Follow the medium blog post and you will see two inputs to bring into your App.jsx file:



  title={"๐ŸŽˆ Balloons"}

Your front-end should now load accordingly!

In App.jsx, look at line 460 onwards at the Dex component, and then the Contracts for DEX and Balloons. This is where they are loaded onto the main UI. With these, the user can enter the amount of ETH or tokens they want to swap, and the chart will display how the price is calculated. You can also visualize how larger swaps result in more slippage and less output asset. You can also deposit and withdraw from the liquidity pool, earning fees.

Checkpoint 7: ๐Ÿ’พ Deploy it! ๐Ÿ›ฐ

๐Ÿ“ก Edit the defaultNetwork in packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.js, as well as targetNetwork in packages/react-app/src/App.jsx, to your choice of public EVM networks

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€ You will want to run yarn account to see if you have a deployer address

๐Ÿ” If you don't have one, run yarn generate to create a mnemonic and save it locally for deploying.

๐Ÿ›ฐ Use an instantwallet.io to fund your deployer address (run yarn account again to view balances)

๐Ÿš€ Run yarn deploy to deploy to your public network of choice (๐Ÿ˜… wherever you can get โ›ฝ๏ธ gas)

๐Ÿ”ฌ Inspect the block explorer for the network you deployed to... make sure your contract is there.

๐Ÿ‘ฎ Your token contract source needs to be verified... (source code publicly available on the block explorer)

Checkpoint 8: ๐Ÿ“œ Contract Verification

Update the api-key in packages/hardhat/package.json file. You can get your key here.

Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 10 21 01 AM

Now you are ready to run the yarn verify --network your_network command to verify your contracts on etherscan ๐Ÿ›ฐ

This will be the URL you submit to SpeedRun.

Checkpoint 9: ๐Ÿšข Ship it! ๐Ÿš

๐Ÿ“ฆ Run yarn build to package up your frontend.

๐Ÿ’ฝ Upload your app to surge with yarn surge (you could also yarn s3 or maybe even yarn ipfs?)

๐Ÿš” Traffic to your url might break the Infura rate limit, edit your key: constants.js in packages/ract-app/src.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Problems, questions, comments on the stack? Post them to the ๐Ÿ— scaffold-eth developers chat


License:MIT License


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