Created by Jacob Magnusson, 2013. List of contributors can be found in
Generates SQLAlchemy models and downloads and imports data from dumps. Currently only supports postgresql with postgis 2.0+ extension enabled.
Install using pip
$ pip install sqlalchemy-geonames
It's recommended to install cdecimal
for optimal performance if you're on a python version lower than 3.3. With 3.3+ this is the default Decimal implementation.
$ pip install --allow-external cdecimal
After you've enabled the postgis extensions for your PostgreSQL database all you have to do is issue the following command to populate your database with city data (and data related to them) from
$ sqlageonames -t postgresql -u <dbuser> -d <dbname> cities1000.txt
The tedious work of downloading cities1000.txt
and related data dumps is handled for you so there's no need to get them manually.
For a full list of sqlageonames
options, such as what data to download and database port etc:
$ sqlageonames --help
After import you should be able to use the models in your application.
from sqlalchemy_geonames import GeonameCountry, Geoname
session = Session()
countries = session.query(GeonameCountry).all()
swedish_cities = session.query(Geoname).join(GeonameCountry)\
.filter( == 'Sweden').all()
- cities15000.txt (23k rows) ~ 10 seconds
- cities5000.txt (47k rows) ~ 19 seconds
- cities1000.txt (138k rows) ~ 49 seconds
- allCountries.txt (8.5M rows) ~ 14 minutes 16 seconds
Tested on my 2.7 GHz i7 + SSD Macbook Pro. The import process is very CPU bound, memory usage is about 20-40MB.
imports the specified primary geonames file (i.e. citiesXXXXX.txt
or allCountries.txt
) and all other data that is related to it. The related data cannot be excluded from importing. The following data dumps are supported:
- allCountries.txt
- citiesXXXXX.txt
- countryInfo.txt
- timeZones.txt
- featureCodes_XX.txt
These will be implemented in an upcoming release.
- admin1CodesASCII.txt
- admin2Codes.txt
- alternateNames.txt
- hieararchy.txt
- iso-languagecodes.txt
- no-country.txt (this is a list of geonames that don't have a country assigned to them)
- userTags.txt
TODO: Write!
Enabling postgis 2.0 extensions for your postgresql database:
$ for ext in postgis postgis_topology fuzzystrmatch postgis_tiger_geocoder; do psql -d <dbname> -c "CREATE EXTENSION $ext;"; done
- Python 2.7+ / 3.3+
- A PostGIS 2.0 enabled PostgreSQL database (support for other gis/databases is coming)
From the project directory:
$ pip install tox
$ tox
This project uses GeoNames data. Extracts are used in the tests.