jacobsoo / ApkDetecter

android apk查壳工具源代码

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


android apk查壳工具源代码

主要功能 :

  1. 检测DEX文件是否加固及加固厂商
  2. 检测APK的基本信息:
  3. APKMD5值
  4. APK包名
  5. APK版本
  6. 签名信息等
  7. DEX文件的字节信息


Tool for providing Android APK protector detection with UI

Main Features:

  1. Detect DEX file protectors, obfuscators
  2. Detect APK basic information
  3. APK MD5
  4. APK Package name
  5. APK version
  6. Signature informaton
  7. Detailed information about the DEX file bytes


android apk查壳工具源代码


Language:Python 97.2%Language:C++ 2.8%Language:Makefile 0.0%