jacobdfriedmann / FEWD22-Assignment7

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#FEWD Week 8: Responsive Design


Relaxr's user count has grown, and the number of users accessing the site from a mobile device has surprised everyone, even by today's standards. The product managers at Relaxr have asked you to return to the project and make their site responsive so it renders nicely on mobile devices. They had one of their internal developers make a few tweaks to your source code, and they have given you the new HTML / CSS files to work from. Using these starter files, build out the mobile layouts for the landing page and blog.

###Real-World Applications

  • Use media queries to render different CSS according to screen size
  • Revisit applications and projects to iterate on and improve code you've written

###Technical Requirements

  • Use media queries at a 768px breakpoint

  • As a user changes the size of a browser window:

    • Content remains in appropriate divs
    • Content remains visible to the user
    • Fonts change size appropriately
    • Margins and padding change size appropriately
    • Content does not overlap
    • In the blog section, the two-column layout changes to a single-column layout when appropriate


  • Add different media queries for a 1000px breakpoint and a 480px breakpoint



Instructional team should evaluate against the solution code and the student's fulfillment of technical requirements. Instructional team will provide a numeric grade on a scale for each technical requirement: does not meet expectations (0); meets expectations (1); exceeds expectations (2). Note: If bullet points have child bullets, grade the child bullets and not the parent bullet belonging to the child. The maximum possible score on this assignment is 14/14. Bonus materials are completely optional.


  1. "Fork" this repository
  2. "Clone" your fork into the GitHub Desktop app
  3. Complete the assignment
  4. Commit changes and push them back to GitHub (sync)
  5. Submit a "pull request" to the "upstream" project



Language:HTML 50.2%Language:CSS 49.8%