jacobandreas / grounded-scan

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Grounded SCAN

This repository implements a simple navigation task (in the spirit of the original SCAN dataset) where agents must follow instructions in a grounded context.

The agent is presented with a simple grid world containing a collection of objects, each of which is associated with a vector of features. The agent is evaluated on its ability to follow one or more instructions in this environment. Some instructions require interaction with particular kinds of objects.




in this directory. This will sample a random instruction grammar, and then sample a sequence of (instruction, demonstration) pairs from this grammar. Instructions will be bucketed according to various notions of compositional generalization, and the number of instructions in each bucket printed.

Instruction grammars ("syntax"), instruction interpretation ("semantics"), and generalization criteria are each discussed in more detail below.

TODO: currently, none of the generated data actually gets written to a file. Implement some kind of serialization mechanism.


This library has been designed to support experiments in which structural properties of the language presented to the learner (e.g. vocabulary size, word frequency distribution, etc.) are varied. Thus, rather than defining a single vocabulary and grammar over instructions, we randomly generate a new vocabulary and associated grammar each time a dataset is created.

As seen in the demo code in main.py, most of the action happens in Vocab.sample() under grammar.py. We sample a random number of intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, adverbs, nouns, and adjectives, and generate a corresponding set of random nonce words for each lexical role. Because adjectives and adverbs also pick out objects in the world, each is assigned a random weight vector (whose use is described in "Semantics" below). These word lists and weight vectors collectively form a Vocab. Given a Vocab, we construct a Grammar that produces transitive and intransitive sentences (with a depth-limited recursive operation for introducing adjectives and adverbs). We additionally allow top-level coordination of multiple commands (again via depth-limited recursion). To summarize, sentences are of the form

((Adverb* Verb (Adjective* Noun)?)+

It is possible to sample from a Grammar to obtain paired sentences (sequences of tokens) and meanings (hacky neo-Davidsonian logical forms). For example, the sentence

quickly push a blue ball and jump

gets associated with the logical form

lambda $v1, $v2. exists $n. push($v1) and patient($v1, $n) and blue($n) and
ball($n) and jump($v2) and before($v1, $v2)

In order to pair instructions with demonstrations, we need to map from meanings to sequences of low-level environment actions.


The example logical form depicted above specifies two actions: a ball-pushing action and a jumping action. These must be performed in a grounded context. In this library, computations associated with grounding live in world.py. The grounded context for a specific instruction is represented by a Situation. Situations are generated from Worlds (again, see the demo in main.py). Situations are basically environment states analogous to the ones used in reinforcement learning packages like OpenAI's Gym---they expose a set of features to the agent, and accept low-level actions that cause them to transition into new states.

For grounded SCAN, low-level actions are represented by the Command class. At present, a Command consists of a direction (one of north, east, south, west or "stay") and an action specification (a logical form describing a single event, e.g.

lambda $v2. jump($v2)

from above).

TODO: this is ugly and we should find a representation better suited to prediction in a machine learning context.

A Situation tracks the agent's current location, and the locations of a number of randomly-generated objects, each of which is represented by a feature vector. Where a command constraints its argument (like ball), we determine whether an object matches the constraints on the argument by taking the dot product between the argument features and the weights associated with the constraint word in the Vocab. The object is determined to satisfy the predicate if the dot product is greater than zero. For compound predicates (blue ball) the object must satisfy each predicate individually.

Helper code is provided that will take a complete logical form and a Situation and generate a sequence of Commands consistent with the actions required by the logical form. For intransitive verbs, the agent will simply execute the command in place; for transitive verbs, it will first navigate to an object satisfying constraints on the argument, then perform the action.


After instructions have been generated, we construct various held-out sets designed to test different notions of compositional generalization. These are:

adverb: Contains an adverb not seen in the main training set.

adjective: Contains an adjective not seen in the main training set (in contrast to above, tests generalization in perception rather than action)

object: Contains situations in which the agent must interact with an object that combines features never seen together in training (analogous to the CLEVR "CoGenT" split).

application The agent must recognize an object as satisfying a predicate, even though it's never seen that predicate--object combo used (even if it has seen both the predicate and object in other contexts).

composition: The agent must recognize an object as satisfying two predicates that have never previously been conjoined.

recursion Held-out commands contain a predicate introduced by a rule at depth k, where the training set only ever uses it at depth ever seen it at j < k (analogous to SHAPES "depth" split).



Language:Python 100.0%