jackiealex / template

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A node template, and the best choice.

* Feature

  • block、extends、include、literal command supported, with syntax-sugar and smarty engine features

  • pipe filters suport

  • rumtime stably, ensure your empty varible run stably

* usage

basic syntax with pipe filters

  • basic.html
	var a = 12;
	var de = null;
	var list = [1,2,3];
<% if(a) { %>
	<div>${name|trim|} </div>
	<div>${name|trim|escape} </div>
	<div>inline variable: ${a} </div>
	<div>unknow variable: ${wo_wo} </div>
	<div>unknow variable: ${wo_wo|ensure} </div>
	<div>unknow variable: ${de|ensure|ensure|count} </div>
<% } %>
<%if (1) {%>
<%for(var i=0; i <list.length; i++) {%>
  • test.js
var template = require('../../template');
var fs = require('fs');
var data= {}
var rs = template.renderFile('basic.html', data);
  • output
    <div>undefined </div>
	<div>undefined </div>
	<div>inline variable: 12 </div>
	<div>unknow variable: undefined </div>
	<div>unknow variable:  </div>
	<div>unknow variable: 0 </div>

include command

  • include.html
	<%var data = {name: 'alex', age: 22} %>
	<%include name='sub'%>
  • sub.html
<div class="include">
	<div class="sub">
		sub content woow
  • output
	<div class="include">
	<div class="sub">
		sub content woow

extends & block command, you can use <!-- some comments -->

  • parent.html
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<%block name='css_head_base' %>
		<!-- parent head css -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/st/css/index.css">
		<!-- parent head css -->
	<%block name="js_head_base"%>
		console.log('parent head js');
	<header id="fields">
		<div class="include-label label">include</div>
		<div class="block-label label">block</div>
		<div class="expression-label label">expression</div>
		<div class="literal-label label">literal</div>
	<div id="main">
	<div class="expression">${o['name']}</div>
	<!-- declare block command -->
	<div class="block">
	<%block name="hello"%>
		<%include	'extends_block/sub.html' /%>
		<%include 'sub/sub-data' 'data' /%>
			var a = 12;
			var a = $helper.hello('a');
		<div class="expression">
		<%if (name) { %>
			<div class="expression">${a}</div>
		<div class="expression">
	<%block name="js_footer_base"%>
		console.log('parent footer js');
  • child.html
<%extends 'extends_block/parent.html' %>
<%block name='js_head_base' append%>
	<!-- child head js -->
		console.log('child head js append');
	<!-- child head js -->

<%block name="hello" append%>
	this is main child
	<%include name="extends_block/sub" /%>
	<%var data = {appName: 'T 语言' } %>

<%block name='js_footer_base' prepend%>
		console.log('child footer js prepend');
  • output Ten thousand words omitted here(I bet that is right)

helper methods extend

  • demo.html
    <div class="hello">
		var a = 'hello world' ;
		var b = $helper.sayHello(a);
  • test.js
var template = require('../../template');
var fs = require('fs');

	cacheDir: '../../__cache__',
	src: '../../demo'

template.helper('hello', function(str) {
	return 'hello, ' + str;

var rs = template.renderFile('demo.html', {});



Language:JavaScript 100.0%