jackdp / Highlight-Text

A small command-line utility which highlights the given substring in the specified text with the specified color.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Highlight Text

A small command-line utility which highlights the given substring in the specified text with the specified color.


Source: https://github.com/jackdp/Highlight-Text

Compiled binaries (Windows 32-bit and 64-bit): http://www.pazera-software.com/products/highlight-text/


hlt.exe TEXT [-c=COLORS] [-s=1|0] [-t=STR] [-l] [-h] [-V] [--license] [--home]

Mandatory arguments to short options are mandatory for long options too. Options are case-sensitive. Options and values in square brackets are optional. You can use the -t, -c, and -s options multiple times.


Option Description
-t, --highlight-text=STR Text to be highlighted.
-c, --colors=FgColor[,BgColor] The foreground and background color used to highlight the specified text. See the list of available colors below.
-s, --case-sensitive=1/0 Consider the character case when searching for the text to highlight. By default -s=0 (not case sensitive)
-l, --log-colors Highlight some special words used in the logs such as Error, Failed, Warning, Success etc.
-h, --help Show this help.
-V, --version Show application version.
--license Display program license.
--home Opens program homepage in the default browser.


Text can be given on the command line or/and redirected from an external command via a pipe. You can provide multiple text values in any combination with the options.

Available colors


Fuchsia = LightMagenta
Lime = LightGreen
Color names are case insensitive.

Exit codes

Exit code Description
0 OK (no error)
1 Other error
2 Syntax error


  1. Highlight the word ipsum and amet with the default colors:
    hlt "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." -t ipsum -t amet
    HighlightText - Example1 Result

  2. Highlight the word ipsum with the red color, and word dolor with the lime color:
    hlt "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." -c yellow,darkred -t ipsum -c black,lime -t dolor
    HighlightText - Example1 Result

  3. Highlight the file extension .txt and .bat in the file list returned by the ls command:
    ls -alh | hlt -c yellow -t .bat -c blue -t .txt
    HighlightText - Example1 Result

  4. Nested highlighting. Highlight the text ConEmu and nE in the variable list returned by the set command:
    set | hlt -t ConEmu -c black,blue -s 1 -t nE
    HighlightText - Example1 Result


To compile, you need the Lazarus IDE and several units from the JPLib package.

How to build:

  1. Install JPLib package in the Lazarus IDE.
  2. Open src\HighlightText.lpi file with the Lazarus.
  3. Build project (menu Run->Build).


2020.10.13 - Version 1.0


A small command-line utility which highlights the given substring in the specified text with the specified color.


Language:Pascal 90.0%Language:Batchfile 10.0%