jaboles / fahproxy

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\f0\b\fs40 \cf0 FAH Proxy
\fs24 \
Version 0.01.000\
(c) 2008 Jonathan Boles\

\b0 FAH Proxy is a proxy server that caches FAH results and queues the completed work units for later upload. It's useful when running a lot of high-speed GPU and SMP clients on an internet connection with a slow (e.g. 128k) upload:\
- It queues uploads and carries them out one at a time, so multiple clients do not fight each other for the limited bandwidth and cause each other to fail.\
- It increases output because clients are not sitting idle for many minutes while carrying out uploads.\

\b To use:
\b0  Run FahProxy.exe, and configure your folding clients to use a proxy, using the IP address of the computer on which FAH Proxy is running, and port 8080.\
Since FAH Proxy queues uploads and carries them out one at a time, it will be most efficient if you only deploy it on one machine in your network, and configure all the Folding clients on your network to use the one proxy.
\b \

\fs36 Version 0.01.000
\fs24  (29 June 2008)\
Known Issues in v0.01.000:\

\b0 1. If any proxy transactions or uploads are in progress when you close FAH Proxy, they will keep running in the background. This might cause an error if you try starting FAH Proxy again while the old instance is running. Workaround: Use Task Manager to quit any running instance of FahProxy.exe before trying to start a new one.\
2. Completed uploads will remain in the window as there is currently no way to remove them. Quitting/restarting FAH Proxy will cause them to disappear.\
3. '#' column in the upload list is blank. Nothing useful can really go there so it will be removed in a future version.\

\b\fs36 Version 0.01.001
\fs24  (11 August 2008)\
Features and Fixes since v0.01.000:\

\b0 1. Toggling uploads on/off, and scheduling uploads only to happen between certain times.\
2. Added buttons to clear the list of completed uploads, and view the work unit cache.\
3. 'Orphaned' proxy threads that never complete the transfer (e.g. clicking 'stop' in a browser window) now timeout properly.
\b \
Known Issues in v0.01.001:\

\b0 1. Closing FAH proxy does not abort transfers, although they will timeout if idle for 60 sec.\
2. Upload on/off/scheduling settings are not saved yet.\
3. '#' column in the upload list is blank. Nothing useful can really go there so it will be removed in a future version.\

\b\fs36 Planned Features/Fixes:
\b0\fs24 \
The following features are planned, listed in roughly priority order.\
1. Add a way of disabling/re-enabling uploads, scheduling uploads to only occur at certain times.\
2. Writing the 'simulated' (i.e. fed to the folding client) receipt files to %appdata%\\FahProxy for diagnostic purposes. Currently only the 'actual' receipt (from Stanford) is saved there.\
3. Ability to set an upload speed limit.\
4. Ability to reorder the queue.\
5. Allow FAH Proxy itself to work with another proxy (chained together).}



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