jaanhio / sql-n64-lab


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exercise - SQL 64

List of SQL Commands (important resource)

Codecademy SQL Commands (also great)

Primary Key

screen shot 2017-12-19 at 8 45 19 am


screen shot 2017-12-19 at 8 47 19 am

Take the following schema for a N64 SQL database

   title TEXT NOT NULL,
   developers TEXT,
   genre TEXT

Create a database with this schema and seed it with some sample data

INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time', 1998, 'Nintendo EAD', 'Action-Adventure');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Super Smash Bros.', 1999, 'Hal Laboratory', 'Fighting');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Super Mario 64', 1996, 'Nintendo EAD', 'Platforming');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Golden Eye 007', 1997, 'Rare', 'First-Person Shooter');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Mario Kart 64', 1996, 'Nintendo EAD', 'Racing');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Star Fox 64', 1997, 'Nintendo EAD', 'Rail/Scrolling Shooter');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Perfect Dark', 2000, 'Rare', 'First-Person Shooter');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire', 1996, 'Lucas Arts', 'Action');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Banjo-Kazooie', 1998, 'Rare', 'Platforming');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Mario Party', 1998, 'Hudson Soft', 'Party Game');
INSERT INTO Games(title, year, developers, genre) VALUES('Tony Hawk''s Pro Skater' , 1996, 'Neversoft', 'Extreme Sports');


Use SQL queries to complete the following tasks

  1. Select the title of all games

select title from games;

  1. Show all the years in the database.

select year from games;

  1. Show the title of each game made by 'Rare'.

select title from games where developers = 'Rare';

  1. Select all games that were made before 1998.

select * from games where year < 1998;

  1. Find the average release year of all games.

select avg(year) from games;

  1. Show the developer names of each game, in alphabetical order.

select title, developers from games order by developers;

  1. Show the titles of games not made by 'Nintendo EAD'.

select title, developers from games where developers != 'Nintendo EAD';

  1. Add the the game 'F-Zero X', released in 1998, made by 'Nintendo EAD', and with the genre 'Racing'.

insert into games(title, year, developers, genre) values('F-Zero X', 1998, 'Nintendo EAD', 'Racing');

  1. Show all the game titles in descending order of their release year.

select title, year from games order by year desc;

  1. Remove all games not made by 'Hudson Soft'.

delete from games where developers != 'Hudson Soft';

  1. Show the average release year for games that were made by Rare or have the title Tony Hawk''s Pro Skater in order of their title

select avg(year) from games where developers = 'Rare' or title = 'Tony Hawks''s Pro Skater';

  1. Show the id and title and genre of all games that were either:

Made before 1997,

Made by Hal Laboratory,

Or, have the genre Platforming AND are made by Rare.

select * from games where year < 1997 or developers = 'Hal Laboratory' or genre = 'Platforming' and developers = 'Rare';

