ja9-look / intro-fetch-lab-london-web-111918

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Javascript fetch GET requests lab


In this lab, you'll use fetch to send GET requests. First we're going to use fetch to get data about Star Wars πŸ›°πŸ‘ΎπŸš€. Then, we'll check out the Numbers API and handle info for some nerdy number facts πŸ”’πŸ€“πŸ“.



API Documentation for SWAPI is at https://swapi.co/documentation

  1. Opening Crawl - Star Wars Episode 4 (getOpeningCrawl)
  • When the user clicks the button "Get Opening Crawl", it should trigger the function getOpeningCrawl which should fetch the data from the correct URL NOTE: The ID for Episode 4 is 1
  • When the promise is resolved, the 'opening crawl' should appear on the page in the #crawlDiv

Getting data from SWAPI is simple! We pass the url into fetch, then add the handling behavior for the response with .then:

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json));

The call to fetch returns a Promise right away.

let promiseForData = fetch('https://swapi.co/api/films/1/')
// evaluates immediately

We add a handler for the data with then.

promiseForData.then(response => response.json())

This is similar to attaching an event handler to handle a DOM event! When the result 'happens' - when SWAPI responds to the HTTP request with some data - we want to do something with that data. then is the way we specify what should happen when the promise resolves.

In this case, we want to parse the body of the response as JSON, so we call the .json() method. then() returns a promise, and that promise's handler will get the parsed JSON as input.

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json)
  1. Star Wars Planets (getPlanet)
  • When a user enters a number in the #planetInput, on submit it should call getPlanet
  • getPlanet which will fetch that planet's data from the correct url
  • When the promise resolves, display the name and climate of the planet in the #planetData
  • only the numbers 1 through 60 are valid planet ids, so think about some way of validating the number
  1. These Are The Droids You're Looking For (getDroids, getHomePlanet)
  • When the page loads, fetch the data for the characters C-3P0 (id: 2) and R2-D2 (id: 3)

  • Show each droid's name, height, and mass in the appropriate spans in the #droid-2 and #droid-3 divs

  • On click of the #droid-2-btn and #droid-3-btn the getHomePlanet function should be called

  • This function should fetch to the api again to get information about the planet

  • Things to consider:

    • What information do you need from the first fetch to make the second?
    • When should you add the event listener for these two buttons?


The Numbers API is, in their words

An API for interesting facts about numbers

Let's nerd out.

Note: The Numbers API responds with Text (Not JSON!), so we can use the .text() method to parse the response instead of .json().

  1. Number One.

    • When a user clicks on the button 'Facts About 1':
      • fetch a random fact about the number 1 from "/{number}/trivia" endpoint.
      • Add the fact to the DOM in the #one-facts div
  2. Pick a Number, Any Number.

    • When a user enters a number in the input:
      • On Change, fetch a math fact about that number (Hint! Try looking into different event types!)
      • Try adding a validation so that a user can't submit a non-number
      • Show it on the screen in the #random-math-fact div
  3. Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it

    • When the page loads, start an interval:
      • Every 5 seconds, fetch a fact about a year and show it on the screen in the #year-history div
      • Start with this year
      • Every 5 seconds, get the fact about the previous year
  4. All the numbers

    • When a user clicks the 'All of the Numbers' button
      • fetch facts for one hundred random numbers
      • append a div to "#all-the-numbers" to display all numbers and their fact

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