j3parker / terraform-workflows

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub Actions Terraform Workflows

What is this repo?

The terraform-workflows repo is an attempt to provide a consistent and secure means for all projects within D2L to perform the many workflow tasks they have in common. It aims to provide instructions on how you can structure your workflows to give minimum permissions to all roles, and to offer a flexible but consistent structure to your terraform usage.


Repository Environments

In your own repository you will need to create an environment for all activities that take place prior to commits with your repositories.

Add a preflight environment by clicking Settings and then choosing Environments from the left-hand side and follow the steps below.

  1. Create your environment
  • Click New Environment
  • Enter preflight and click Configure Environment.
  1. Add your main branch to the environment
  • From the configuration screen, Click All branches and choose Selected branches
  • Click Add deployment branch rule
  • Enter the name of your main branch, e.g. main, and click Add rule.
  1. Save this environment by clicking Save protection rules.

Now create an environment for each of your terraform envirionments/workspaces. You do this by following the steps below, but use the terraform environment as the environment name. i.e. If your workspace is terraform/environments/prod/ca-central-1, name the environment prod/ca-central-1

  1. Create your environment
  • Click New Environment
  • Enter your environment name and click Configure Environment.
  1. Add your main branch to the environment
  • From the configuration screen, Click All branches and choose Selected branches
  • Click Add deployment branch rule
  • Enter the name of your main branch, e.g. main, and click Add rule.
  1. Add required reviewers for this environment
  • Check the Required reviewers checkbox.
  • In the box that appears, add the appropriate set of reviewers that can approve your deployments.
  1. Save this environment by clicking Save protection rules.


The iam-build-tokens repository contains the registry of the roles that require access to company resources. These tokens enable the ability to read/write/update systems like the build state, etc.

You must add roles for your workflows to use to this repository.

Go to the terraform/roles folder in the repository and add a terraform file that corresponds to your repository. i.e. - If your repository is Brightspace/webdav, add a terraform/roles/webdav.tf file.

In this file you will need two modules. These modules will document the roles that require build tokens. Be sure to include all roles that will be used in your workflows that need access to systems. For example, if you have a separate workflow that publishes containers to ECR, be sure to include that role in the list.

The roles you define here should be roles that are defined for read-only access.

The repository name you use is the portion that comes after the Brightspace/. i.e. - If your repository is Brightspace/webdav, use repository = "webdav".

  1. Create a GitHub Actions Hub-role for your repository to be used by PRs
module "your_repo_name_ro" {
  source = "../modules/githubactions/hub-role"

  repository = "{ your repo name }"

  assumable_role_arns = [
    # Your-Dev-Account-Name
    "{ terraform plan role in your dev account }",

    # Your-Prd-Account-Name
    "{ terraform plan role in your prd account }",

    # Dev-Terraform
    "arn:aws:iam::891724658749:role/github/Brightspace+{ your repo name }+tfstate-reader",

The roles defined here should be read-write access roles. (Please note the difference in module name.) Be sure that the listed environments matches the environments you created earlier. You will know it is working when you check your Environments and see a green lock icon with 1 secret appear next to each environment. If you have defined an environment that does not get this added, you need to double check your list of environments below.

  1. Create a GitHub Actions Hub-role for your environments to be used after merge
module "your_repo_name_rw" {
  source = "../modules/githubactions/hub-role"

  repository   = "{ your repo name }"
  environments = [
    "{ your other dev and prod environment names }",

  assumable_role_arns = [
    # Your-Dev-Account-Name
    "{ terraform apply role in your dev account }",

    # Your-Prd-Account-Name
    "{ terraform apply role in your prd account }",

    # Dev-Terraform
    "arn:aws:iam::891724658749:role/github/Brightspace+{ your repo name }+tfstate-manager",

After the PR is merged, you will need to approve the workflow to have the changes deployed. GitHub will also remind you of this fact on your PR with a link to instructions on how to apply the changes. Your workflow will be listed on CircleCI.


The terraform-infrastructure repository consolidates the state for all terraform in one place. Adding your repository here will enable it to store state in the shared terraform state.

Go to the terraform/environments/dev-terraform folder in the repository and add a terraform file that corresponds to your repository. i.e. - If your repository is Brightspace/webdav, add a webdav.tf file.

Don't worry about the folders that your file is in, those are relevant to the account and location of the state, rather than being related to anything to do with your own repository terraform state.

The github_repository name you use is the portion that comes after the Brightspace/. i.e. - If your repository is Brightspace/webdav, use github_repository = "webdav".

  1. Configure Terraform state management for your repository
module "your_repo_name" {
  source = "../../../modules/tfstate-manager"

  github_repository = "{ your repo name }"

  reader_assuming_principal_arns = [

    # Hub Role (PRs)
    "arn:aws:iam::323258989788:role/hub-roles/github+Brightspace+{ your repo name }",


  manager_assuming_principal_arns = [

    # Hub Role (Post-Merge)
    "arn:aws:iam::323258989788:role/hub-roles/github+Brightspace+{ your repo name }+deploy",


  tfstate = local.tfstate

Update your terraform

  1. Remove all configuration from your s3 backend, if any and replace it with the following.
terraform {
  backend "s3" {}
  1. Add a variable for and use it as input to your primary aws provider role_arn
variable "terraform_role_arn" {
  type = string

provider "aws" {
  // ...

  assume_role {
    role_arn = var.terraform_role_arn

Update any exsting deployment roles

If you have any exsting roles being used by your deployment infrastructure these will need to have their trust relationship policy updated.

Navigate to IAM, find your role used for deployment, click over to the Trust relationships tab and click Edit trust relationship.

Be sure to make this change in both your Dev and Prod accounts.

  1. Apply the following policy to your terraform plan role. Be sure to replace { your repo name }:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": [
          "arn:aws:iam::323258989788:role/hub-roles/github+Brightspace+{ your repo name }"
      "Action": [
  1. And this policy to your terraform apply role. Be sure to replace { your repo name }:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": [
          "arn:aws:iam::323258989788:role/hub-roles/github+Brightspace+{ your repo name }+deploy"
      "Action": [

Add your workflow

Now the Terraform workflow can be added to the repository. Create the .github/workflows/terraform.yaml in your repository with the following content.

Within the content, the provider_role_arn specified will be the arn of the role, not just the role name.

Each region that you have defined for your workflows will also need to be added as blocks. For example, in the content below, only dev/ca-central-1 and prod/ca-central-1 are defined.

# terraform.yaml

name: Terraform

    branches: main



    name: Configure
    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, AWS]
    timeout-minutes: 1

      - uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows@configure/v2
          environment: dev/ca-central-1
          workspace_path: terraform/environments/dev/ca-central-1
          provider_role_arn_ro: "{ terraform plan role in your dev account }"
          provider_role_arn_rw: "{ terraform apply role in your dev account }"

      - uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows@configure/v2
          environment: prod/ca-central-1
          workspace_path: terraform/environments/prod/ca-central-1
          provider_role_arn_ro: "{ terraform plan role in your prod account }"
          provider_role_arn_rw: "{ terraform apply role in your prod account }"

      - id: finish
        uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows/finish@configure/v2

      environments: ${{ steps.finish.outputs.environments }}
      config: ${{ steps.finish.outputs.config }}

    name: Plan [PR]
    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, AWS]
    timeout-minutes: 10

    if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}

    needs: configure

      fail-fast: false
        environment: ${{ fromJson(needs.configure.outputs.environments) }}

    - uses: Brightspace/third-party-actions@actions/checkout

    - uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows@plan/v2
        config: ${{ toJson(fromJson(needs.configure.outputs.config)[matrix.environment]) }}
        terraform_version: ${{ env.TERRAFORM_VERSION }}

    name: Plan
    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, AWS]
    timeout-minutes: 10

    if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
    environment: preflight

    needs: configure

      fail-fast: false
        environment: ${{ fromJson(needs.configure.outputs.environments) }}

    - uses: Brightspace/third-party-actions@actions/checkout

    - uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows@plan/v2
        config: ${{ toJson(fromJson(needs.configure.outputs.config)[matrix.environment]) }}
        terraform_version: ${{ env.TERRAFORM_VERSION }}

    name: Collect
    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, AWS]
    timeout-minutes: 2

    needs: plan

    if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}

    - id: collect
      uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows@collect/v2

      has_changes: ${{ steps.collect.outputs.has_changes }}
      changed: ${{ steps.collect.outputs.changed }}
      config: ${{ steps.collect.outputs.config }}

    name: Apply
    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, AWS]
    timeout-minutes: 10

    needs: collect

    if: ${{ needs.collect.outputs.has_changes == 'true' }}

      fail-fast: false
        environment: ${{ fromJson(needs.collect.outputs.changed) }}

    environment: ${{ matrix.environment }}
    concurrency: ${{ matrix.environment }}

    - uses: Brightspace/third-party-actions@actions/checkout

    - uses: Brightspace/terraform-workflows@apply/v2
        config: ${{ toJson(fromJson(needs.collect.outputs.config)[matrix.environment]) }}


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%