j30ng / ingress

WIP Caddy 2 ingress controller for Kubernetes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Caddy Ingress Controller

This is the Kubernetes Ingress Controller for Caddy. It includes functionality for monitoring Ingress resources on a Kubernetes cluster and includes support for providing automatic HTTPS certificates for all hostnames defined in ingress resources that it is managing.

The community is looking for maintainers with Kubernetes experience who can commit to help finish the development of this tool. Please get involved!

Cloud Provider Setup (AWS, GCLOUD, ETC...)

In the Kubernetes folder a Helm Chart is provided to make installing the Caddy Ingress Controller on a Kubernetes cluster straight forward. To install the Caddy Ingress Controller adhere to the following steps:

  1. Create a new namespace in your cluster to isolate all Caddy resources.
  kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/deploy/00_namespace.yaml
  1. Install the Helm Chart. (If you do not want automatic https set autotls to false and do not include your email address as a value to the helm chart.)
  helm template \
    --namespace=caddy-system ./kubernetes/helm/caddyingresscontroller/ \
    --set autotls=true \
    --set email=youremail@test.com | kubectl apply -f -

The helm chart will create a service of type LoadBalancer in the caddy-system namespace on your cluster. You'll want to set any DNS records for accessing this cluster to the external IP address of this LoadBalancer when the external IP is provisioned by your cloud provider.

You can get the external IP address with kubectl get svc -n caddy-system


To view any logs generated by Caddy or the Ingress Controller you can view the pod logs of the Caddy Ingress Controller.

Get the pod name with:

  kubectl get pods -n caddy-system

View the pod logs:

kubectl logs <pod-name> -n caddy-system

Automatic HTTPS

By default, any hosts defined in an ingress resource will configure caddy to automatically get certificates from let's encrypt and will serve your side over HTTPS.

To disable automattic https you can set the argument tls on the caddy ingress controller to false.


Add args tls=false to the deployment.

    - -tls=false

Bringing Your Own Certificates

If you would like to disable automatic HTTPS for a specific host and use your own certificates you can create a new TLS secret in Kubernetes and define what certificates to use when serving your application on the ingress resource.


Create TLS secret mycerts, where ./tls.key and ./tls.crt are valid certificates for test.com.

kubectl create secret tls mycerts --key ./tls.key --cert ./tls.crt
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: example
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: caddy
  - host: test.com
      - path: /
          serviceName: test
          servicePort: 8080
  - hosts:
    - test.com
    secretName: mycerts # use mycerts for host test.com


WIP Caddy 2 ingress controller for Kubernetes

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 99.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.3%