j-levy / GASAL2

Enhanced version of GASAL allowing the overlap of CPU execution with sequences alignment on GPU.

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GASAL 2 - GPU-accelerated DNA alignment library

GASAL2 is an easy-to-use CUDA library for DNA/RNA sequence alignment algorithms. Currently it supports different kind of alignments:

  • local alignment
  • semi-global alignment
  • global alignment
  • tile-based banded alignment.

It can also reverse and, or complement any sequences independently before alignment, and report second-best scores for certain alignment types.

It is an extension of GASAL (https://github.com/nahmedraja/GASAL) and allows full overlapping of CPU and GPU execution.

Traceback computation has been implemented in a separate branch with_tb. Switch to this branch to see it.


A Linux platform with CUDA toolkit 8 or higher is required, along with usual build environment for C and C++ code. GASAL2 has been tested over NVIDIA GPUs with compute capabilities of 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0. Although lower versions of the CUDA framework might work, they have not been tested.

Compiling GASAL2

To compile the library, you need to specify the path of your CUDA installation and the variables for the Makefile in the script run_all.sh. Then you can compile GASAL2 by running this run_all.sh script. In the current script, an example of values is shown for a GPU with Compute Capability of 3.5, a maximum sequence length of 300, a "N" code of 0xQF (representing the character "N"), and a N penalty of 1.

In this script, these are the two lines where you have to adjust the parameters:

$ ./configure.sh <path to cuda installation directory>
$ make GPU_SM_ARCH=<GPU SM architecture> MAX_SEQ_LEN=<maximum sequence length> N_CODE=<code for "N", e.g. 0x4E if the bases are represented by ASCII characters> [N_PENALTY=<penalty for aligning "N" against any other base>]

N_PENALTY is optional and if it is not specified then GASAL2 considers "N" as an ordinary base having the same match/mismatch scores as for A, C, G or T. As a result of these commands, include and lib directories will be created containing various .h files and libgasal.a, respectively. You will need to include part or all the .h files in your code link it with libgasal.a during compilation. Also link the CUDA runtime library by adding -lcudart flag. The path to the CUDA runtime library must also be specfied while linking as -L .

Using GASAL2

To use GASAL2 alignment functions, first the match/mismatach scores and gap open/extension penalties need to be passed on to the GPU. Assign the values match/mismatach scores and gap open/extension penalties to the members of gasal_subst_scores struct:

typedef struct{
	int32_t match;
	int32_t mismatch;
	int32_t gap_open;
	int32_t gap_extend;

The values are passed to the GPU by calling gasal_copy_subst_scores() function:

void gasal_copy_subst_scores(gasal_subst_scores *subst);

A vector of gasal_gpu_storage_t is created a the following function:

gasal_gpu_storage_v gasal_init_gpu_storage_v(int n_streams);

With the help of n_streams, the user specifies the number of outstanding GPU alignment kernel launches to be performed. The return type is gasal_gpu_storage_v:

typedef struct{
	int n;
	gasal_gpu_storage_t *a;

with n = n_streams and a being a pointer to the array. An element of the array holds the required data structurea of a stream. To destroy the vector the following function is used:

void gasal_destroy_gpu_storage_v(gasal_gpu_storage_v *gpu_storage_vec);

The streams in the vector are initialized by calling:

void gasal_init_streams(gasal_gpu_storage_v *gpu_storage_vec, int host_max_query_batch_bytes, int gpu_max_query_batch_bytes, int host_max_target_batch_bytes, int gpu_max_target_batch_bytes, int host_max_n_alns, int gpu_max_n_alns, Parameters *params);

In GASAL2, the sequences to be alignned are conatined in two batches. A sequence in query_batch is aligned to sequence in target_batch. A batch is a concatenation of sequences. The length of a sequence must be a multiple of 8. Hence, if a sequence is not a multiple of 8, N's are added at the end of sequence. We call these redundant bases as Pad bases. Note that the pad bases are always "N's" irrespective of whether N_PENALTY is defined or not. The gasal_init_streams() function alloctes the memory required by a stream. With the help of max_batch_bytes, the user specifies the expected maxumum size(in bytes) of sequences in the two batches. host_max_batch_bytes are pre-allocated on the CPU. Smilarly, gpu_max_batch_bytes are pre-allocated on the GPU. max_n_alns is the expected maximum number of sequences in a batch. If the actual required GPU memory is more than the pre-allocated memory, GASAL2 automatically allocates more memory.

Most GASAL2 functions operate with a Parameters object. This object holds all the informations about the alignment options selected. In particular, the alignment type, the default values when opening or extending gaps, etc. All features are explained in the files args_parser.cpp and args_parser.h. The Parameters object comes with a dedicated argument parser for the command-line, but one can also instantiate an object and fill its fields manually, like this :

Parameters *args;
args = new Parameters(0, NULL);
args->algo = LOCAL;
args->start_pos = WITHOUT_START;

The possible values for the fields are explained in args_parser.cpp, in a help function. Default values are in the object constructor in the same file.

To free up the allocated memory the following function is used:

void gasal_destroy_streams(gasal_gpu_storage_v *gpu_storage_vec, Parameters *params);

The gasal_init_streams() and gasal_destroy_streams() internally use cudaMalloc(), cudaMallocHost(), cudaFree() and cudaFreeHost() functions. These CUDA API functions are time expensive. Therefore, gasal_init_streams() and gasal_destroy_streams() should be preferably called only once in the program. You will find all these functions in the file ctors.cpp.

The gasal_gpu_storage_t in gasal.h holds the data structures for a stream. In the following we only show those members of gasal_gpu_storage_t which should be accessed by the user. Other fields should not be modified manually and the user should rely on dedicated functions for complex operations.

typedef struct{
	uint8_t *host_query_op;
	uint8_t *host_target_op;
	uint32_t *host_query_batch_offsets;
	uint32_t *host_target_batch_offsets;
	uint32_t *host_query_batch_lens;
	uint32_t *host_target_batch_lens;
	uint32_t host_max_query_batch_bytes;
	uint32_t host_max_target_batch_bytes;
	gasal_res_t *host_res;
	uint32_t host_max_n_alns;
	int is_free;
} gasal_gpu_storage_t;

The structure gasal_res_t holds the results of the alignment and can be accessed manually. Its fields are the following:

struct gasal_res{
	int32_t *aln_score;
	int32_t *query_batch_end;
	int32_t *target_batch_end;
	int32_t *query_batch_start;
	int32_t *target_batch_start;
typedef struct gasal_res gasal_res_t;

To align the sequences the user first need to check the availability of a stream. If is_free is 1, the user can use the current stream to perform the alignment on the GPU. To do this, the user must fill the sequences with the gasal_host_batch_fill function (located in host_batch.cpp. This function takes a sequence and its length, and append it in the data structure. It also adds the neccessary padding bases to ensure the sequence has a length which is a multiple of 8. Moreover, it takes care of allocating more memory if there is not enough room when adding the sequence. When executed, this function returns the offset for the field host_target_batch_offsets or host_query_batch_offsets For an example of how this function is used, please see the test program.

Alternatively, one can use the gasal_host_batch_addbase to add a single base to the sequence. This takes care of memory reallocation if needed, but does not take care of padding, so this has to be used carefully.

The the list of pre-processing operation (nothing, reverse, complement, reverse-complement) that has to be done on the batch of sequence can be loaded into the gpu_storage with the function gasal_op_fill. Its code is in interfaces.cpp. It fills host_query_op and host_query_op with an array of size host_max_n_alns where each value is the value of the enumeration of operation_on_seq (in gasal.h):

enum operation_on_seq{

By default, no operations are done on the sequences (that is, the fields host_query_op and host_target_op arrays are initialized to 0, which is the value of FORWARD_NATURAL).

To launch the alignment, the following function is used:

void gasal_aln_async(gasal_gpu_storage_t *gpu_storage, const uint32_t actual_query_batch_bytes, const uint32_t actual_target_batch_bytes, const uint32_t actual_n_alns, Parameters *params)

The actual_query_batch_bytes and actual_target_batch_bytes specify the size of the two batches (in bytes) including the pad bases. actual_n_alns is the number of alignments to be performed. GASAL2 internally sets is_free to 0 after launching the alignment kernel on the GPU. From the performance prespective, if the average lengths of the sequences in query_batch and target_batch are not same, then the shorter sequences should be placed in query_batch. Fo rexample, in case of read mappers the read sequences are conatined in query_batch and the genome sequences in target_batch.

The gasal_aln_async() function returns immediately after launching the alignment kernel on the GPU. The user can perform other tasks instead of waiting for the kernel to finish. The output of alignments are stored in aln_score, query_batch_end, target_batch_end, query_batch_start, and target_batch_start arrays, within the host_res structure inside the gasal_gpu_storage structure. To test whether the alignment on GPU is finished, the following function is called:

int gasal_is_aln_async_done(gasal_gpu_storage *gpu_storage);

If the function returns 0 the alignment on the GPU is finished and the output arrays contain valid results. Moreover, is_free is set to 1 by GASAL2. Thus, the current stream can be used for the alignment of another batch of sequences. The function returns -1 if the results are not ready. It returns -2 if the function is called on a stream in which no alignment has been launced, i.e. is_free == 1.

Scores can be retrieved manually by accessing the fields in host_res inside the gasal_gpu_storage_t structure. In case of second-best result, the same applies with the fields in host_res_secondbest.


The test_prog directory conatins an example program which uses GASAL2 for sequence alignment on GPU. See the README in the directory for the instructions about running the program.

Problems and suggestions

For any issues and suugestions contact Jonathan Lévy (j.levy@student.tudelft.nl) or Nauman Ahmed (n.ahmed@tudelft.nl).


Enhanced version of GASAL allowing the overlap of CPU execution with sequences alignment on GPU.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 63.1%Language:C 23.3%Language:Cuda 8.5%Language:Makefile 2.4%Language:Shell 2.2%Language:Python 0.6%