j-helland / malloc-lab

C implementation of malloc for CMU 15213

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Implementation of malloc in C for CMU 15213

A 64-bit struct-based segmented free list memory allocator. Provides malloc, free, calloc, and realloc implementations.

An experimental branch using splay-trees for managing certain memory blocks is also available.

I had a lot of fun working on this, especially once I started thinking about adaptive data structures like splay trees for specializing malloc towards specific usage patterns.


This code will not compile as-is. It was written to interface with a larger test harness that includes memory emulation. In particular, the heap is simulated e.g. functions like mem_sbrk exist in place of standard sbrk. Descriptions of these functions are provided in memlib.h, which should provide enough context to port this code to the canonical C UNIX functions if desired.


  1. Constants, structs, globals, etc.

  2. Helper functions. These operate on a specific subcomponent of the heap e.g. seglist_insert. a. Math & misc b. Get data: access metadata from a block. c. Set data: write metadata to a block. d. Basic search: find blocks matching various specifications. e. Freelist helpers: functions that interact exclusively with an individual freelist data structure. f. Seglist helpers: functions that interact with the entire segmented list data structure.

  3. Primary heap routines. These operate on the entire heap in some way e.g. mm_malloc, mm_free.

  4. Debugging functions. These include heap checker functions and printing functions that are handy in gdb e.g. print_heap.

A bare header that only exists to provide descriptions of the heap simulator functions so that this code can be ported over to use canonical C UNIX functions instead if so desired.


You'll find that most of the standard tricks for malloc performance have been implemented here e.g. segregated freelists, small memory bins with footer-less blocks, free block coalescing, mixture of FIFO and LIFO policies depending on block sizes.

This malloc implementation organizes blocks according to their sizes via a segregated list. The segregated list itself contains bins corresponding to "small" blocks and "large" blocks. Blocks within a small bin all have the same size and are strung together by a singly-linked list -- this means that minimal overhead is required. Large bins contain blocks of varying sizes within some pre-determined range and are thus connected together via a doubly-linked, circular list. By reserving this overhead only for larger blocks, we minimize wasted space since a sufficiently large block will already have enough capacity in its payload for the next/prev list pointers.

Pictorially, the segregated list has the following bin structure:

 ---- ---- ----       ---- -----       -------
| 16 | 32 | 40 | ... | 64 | 128 | ... | 16384 |
 ---- ---- ----       ---- -----       -------
small <-----------------large---------------->

Even though only the first bin is marked as "small", the size 32 bin is de facto small as well due to the 16-byte address alignment requirement. We could actually do much better in terms of utilization if we removed the alignment constraint for small bins - there are many 24 byte allocations, for example. However, the alignment requirement of this assignment means that it only makes sense to have a single small bin.

Starting at bin size 32, we increase in size by increments of 8 up to size 64, at which point we begin doubling the bin size at each step. This is because of the roughly power-law distributed allocation sizes that we see in practice across all traces. We want to have a fairly fine level of granularity for small bins, whereas larger allocation sizes will occur relatively rarely.

Within the small bin, the blocks follow a typical singly-linked list structure. Each node has one size. Our insertion policy here is at the head i.e. O(1). Removal can happen anywhere i.e. O(n).

 ----      ----             ----
| 16 | -> | 16 | -> ... -> | 16 | -> NULL
 ----      ----             ----

The large bins are doubly linked and circular. Each node has a varying size. The circularity is an implementation convenience - it allows for fewer global variables if we want to do things like tail insertion. Our insertion policy is slightly more complicated here:

  • If a block is small enough, we insert at the head.
  • If a block is large enough, we insert at the tail. Experimentally, I found that head insertion for the 32-64 sized bins and tail insertion for the 128-16384 sized bins performs pretty well in terms of throughput while not sacrificing too much utilization.
          ----       ----               ----
tail <-> |    | <-> |    | <-> ... <-> |    | <-> head
          ----       ----               ----
          head                          tail

To find a block fit when calling malloc, I use a first-fit policy. Starting at the smallest bin size with sufficient capacity for the request, the search traverses through the freelist starting at the head, moving up to the next bin if no match is found.

Upon finding a match, we split the block down to the requested size (plus overhead), adding the split off block back into the seglist.

O(1) coalescing is implemented with an immediate-coalesce policy, meaning that we coalesce immediately upon a free operation.


Here I describe in a bulleted fashion the most significant performance improvements. Much of this information is contained in the above overview of the system.

  • Segmented list of freelists. This approximates a best fit policy well enough that we can get away with a fast first-fit policy for finding free blocks. This improves both utilization and throughput.

  • No footers for small blocks, instead we use a bit in the header that indicates the allocations status of the previous block. This improves utilization.

  • Singly linked list for small blocks i.e. only the header and one next pointer. This improves utilization.

  • A mixture of LIFO and FIFO insertion policies in large bins depending on the size of the bin. This increases throughput with a negligible decrease in utilization.


  • In theory, a search tree would help with utilization for bins that have high entropy in their distribution of block sizes. This tends to be the case for the largest bins (recall that the allocation sizes tend to follow a power-law distribution and the large bins exist in the tail regime of this distribution). This would allow an efficient best-fit policy for these bins.


  • Splay trees to order blocks by size did not seem to help. In fact, utilization did not seem to improve while throughput significantly decreased. I suspect this was due to the overhead of the splay operation after every insertion and deletion. Note: I used a best-fit policy for the splay tree.


C implementation of malloc for CMU 15213


Language:C 100.0%