A platform to assist Service Members, Veterans, and Spouses in Home Search and Purchase using VA Loan.
- Provide free and user friendly tools for home purchaser using VA Loan
- Ease the confusion and frustration locating affordable homes
- Educate and calculate benifits and expenses in home purchase using VA Loan
Calculate Affordability based on
- Income
- Debts
Calculate Monthly Morgage Payment
Breakdown and visualize Monthly Payments into
- Principle and Interest
- Property Tax
- Home Insurance
- Add info button to each factor in determining monthly morgage payment
- List amortization schedule
- List and display affordable properties on map
- Offers calculation on variety loan options
- Joint Loan
- Split Loan
- Generate and export monthly morgage payment report
- Automatically obtain an accurate Property Tax Rate based on zipcode
- Automatically estimate an interest rate
- Analyze users banking transactions and estimate their monthly expenses