iyegoroff / spectypes

Fast, compiled, eval-free data validator/transformer

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Fast, compiled, eval-free data validator/transformer


  • really fast, can be even faster than ajv
  • detailed errors, failure will result into explicit error messages and path to invalid data
  • extensively tested, each release undergoes more than 900 fast-check powered tests
  • precise types, accurately infers all types and provides readable compile-time error messages
  • browser friendly, uses babel to compile validators, so no eval or new Function involved
  • easily extensible, custom validators are created by mixing existing ones

Getting started

  1. There are two packages to install - spectypes, which contains type definitions and small set of runtime helpers and babel-plugin-spectypes, which parses and compiles validators into functions:

    npm i spectypes
    npm i babel-plugin-spectypes -D
  2. Add babel-plugin-spectypes to plugins section in your babel config:

    "plugins": [
    +  "babel-plugin-spectypes"


Original code:

import { array, number } from 'spectypes'

const check = array(number)

The plugin will search for named imports like import { ... } from 'spectypes' or const { ... } = require('spectypes') and get all imported identifiers (aliases also supported). All variable declarations which include these identifiers will be converted into validating functions.

Transformed code:

const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else {
    for (let index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
      const value_index = value[index]

      if (typeof value_index !== 'number') {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'not a number',
          path: [index]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Primitive validators

Complex validators


Primitive validators


Validates a boolean value

import { boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = boolean

  tag: 'success',
  success: true

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: 'false',
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a boolean', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a boolean',
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates a literal validator spec. literalcan validate strings, numbers, booleans, undefined and null. literal(undefined) is treated specially when used as a property validator inside object or struct.

import { literal } from 'spectypes'

const check = literal('test')

  tag: 'success',
  success: 'test'

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: 'temp',
    errors: [{ issue: "not a 'test' string literal", path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (value !== 'test') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: "not a '" + 'test' + "' string literal",
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Transformer spec, that accepts undefined and null values and maps them to undefined. nullish is treated specially when used as a property validator inside object or struct.

import { nullish } from 'spectypes'

const check = nullish

  tag: 'success'
  success: undefined

  tag: 'success'
  success: undefined

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: 'temp',
    errors: [{ issue: "not 'null' or 'undefined'", path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err, result

  if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: "not 'null' or 'undefined'",
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }


Validates a number value.

import { number } from 'spectypes'

const check = number

  tag: 'success',
  success: 0

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: {},
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a number', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (typeof value !== 'number') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a number',
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Validates a string value.

import { string } from 'spectypes'

const check = string

  tag: 'success',
  success: ''

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: null,
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a string', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (typeof value !== 'string') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a string',
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Empty validator spec. unknown is treated specially when used as a property validator inside object or struct.

import { unknown } from 'spectypes'

const check = unknown

  tag: 'success',
  success: 'anything'
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err
  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }

Complex validators


Creates an array validator spec. Takes a spec to validate each item of an array.

import { array, number } from 'spectypes'

const check = array(number)

expect(check([1, 2, 3])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: [1, 2, 3]

expect(check({ 0: 1 })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { 0: 1 },
    errors: [{ issue: 'not an array', path: [] }]

expect(check([1, 2, '3', false])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [1, 2, '3', false],
    errors: [
      { issue: 'not a number', path: [2] },
      { issue: 'not a number', path: [3] }
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else {
    for (let index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
      const value_index = value[index]

      if (typeof value_index !== 'number') {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'not a number',
          path: [index]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Can be used only as an argument for array and record to create filtered transformer specs. Filtering happens after each item or key validation. Takes a spec to validate each item or key of a collection and filter predicate.

import { array, number, filter } from 'spectypes'

const check = array(filter(number, (x) => x > 1))

expect(check([1, 2, 3])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: [2, 3]

expect(check([1, 2, null])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [1, 2, null],
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a number', path: [2] }]
Transformed code
const _filter = (x) => x > 1

const check = (value) => {
  let err, result
  result = []

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else {
    let filterindex = 0

    for (let index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
      const value_index = value[index]

      if (typeof value_index !== 'number') {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'not a number',
          path: [index]

      if (!err && _filter(value_index)) {
        result[filterindex++] = value_index

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }

Type predicate will be taken into account if provided

import { array, string, filter } from 'spectypes'

const check = array(filter(string, (x): x is 'test' => x === 'test'))

expect(check(['hello', 'test', 'world'])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: ['test'] // readonly 'test'[]


Creates a spec with custom constraint. Takes a basis spec and a function to perform additinal validation.

import { number, limit } from 'spectypes'

const check = limit(number, (x) => x > 1)

  tag: 'success',
  success: 5

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: -5,
    errors: [{ issue: 'does not fit the limit', path: [] }]

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: '5',
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a number', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const _limit = (x) => x > 1

const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (typeof value !== 'number') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a number',
      path: []
  } else if (!_limit(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'does not fit the limit',
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }

Type predicate will be taken into account if provided

import { array, string, limit } from 'spectypes'

const check = array(limit(string, (x): x is 'test' => x === 'test'))

expect(check(['test', 'test', 'test'])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: ['test', 'test', 'test'] // readonly 'test'[]


Creates a spec that transforms the result of successful validation. Takes basis spec and mapping function.

import { number, map } from 'spectypes'

const check = map(number, (x) => x + 1)

  tag: 'success',
  success: 11

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: undefined,
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a number', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const _map = (x) => x + 1

const check = (value) => {
  let err, result

  if (typeof value !== 'number') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a number',
      path: []
  } else {
    result = _map(value)

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }


Can combine tuple with array or object with record into single spec.

import { tuple, array, string, boolean, merge } from 'spectypes'

const check = merge(tuple(string, string), array(boolean))

expect(check(['hello', 'world', true])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: ['hello', 'world', true]

expect(check(['hello', 'world', '!'])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: ['hello', 'world', '!'],
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a string', path: [2] }]

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: ['hello'],
    errors: [{ issue: 'length is less than 2', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else if (value.length < 2) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'length is less than ' + 2,
      path: []
  } else {
    const value_$30_ = value[0]

    if (typeof value_$30_ !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a string',
        path: [0]

    const value_$31_ = value[1]

    if (typeof value_$31_ !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a string',
        path: [1]

    for (let index = 2; index < value.length; index++) {
      const value_index = value[index]

      if (typeof value_index !== 'boolean') {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'not a boolean',
          path: [index]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }
import { object, record, number, string, boolean, merge } from 'spectypes'

const check = merge(object({ x: number }), record(string, boolean))

expect(check({ x: 123, y: true })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: 123, y: true }

expect(check({ x: true, y: 123 })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { x: true, y: 123 },
    errors: [
      { issue: 'not a number', path: ['x'] },
      { issue: 'not a boolean', path: ['y'] }
Transformed code
import * as _spectypes from 'spectypes'

const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    for (let i = 0; i < _spectypes.bannedKeys.length; i++) {
      const ban = _spectypes.bannedKeys[i]

      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, ban)) {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: "includes banned '" + ban + "' key",
          path: []

    const value_x = value.x

    if (typeof value_x !== 'number') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a number',
        path: ['x']

    for (const key in value) {
      if (!(key === 'x')) {
        const value_key = value[key]

        if (typeof value_key !== 'boolean') {
          ;(err = err || []).push({
            issue: 'not a boolean',
            path: [key]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates an object validator spec. Validation will fail if validated object has a property set different from the one specified. Takes an object with specs to validate object properties. literal(undefined), nullish and unknown are treated specially when used as a property validator inside object.

import { object, number, string, boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = object({ x: number, y: string, z: boolean })

expect(check({ x: 1, y: '2', z: false })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: 1, y: '2', z: false }

expect(check({ x: 1, y: '2', z: false, xyz: [] })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { x: 1, y: '2', z: false, xyz: [] },
    errors: [{ issue: 'excess key - xyz', path: [] }]

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: {},
    errors: [
      { issue: 'not a number', path: ['x'] },
      { issue: 'not a string', path: ['y'] },
      { issue: 'not a boolean', path: ['z'] }

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [],
    errors: [{ issue: 'not an object', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    const value_x = value.x

    if (typeof value_x !== 'number') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a number',
        path: ['x']

    const value_y = value.y

    if (typeof value_y !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a string',
        path: ['y']

    const value_z = value.z

    if (typeof value_z !== 'boolean') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a boolean',
        path: ['z']

    for (const key in value) {
      if (!(key === 'x' || key === 'y' || key === 'z')) {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'excess key - ' + key,
          path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates an optional object property validator spec. Can be used only inside object and struct arguments. Will not produce any validation errors if property equals undefined or is not present in the validated object.

import { optional, struct, number } from 'spectypes'

const check = struct({ x: optional(number) })

expect(check({ x: 5 })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: 5 }

expect(check({ x: undefined })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: undefined }

  tag: 'success',
  success: {}

expect(check({ x: 'x' })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { x: 'x' },
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a number', path: ['x'] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err, result
  result = {}

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    const value_x = value.x

    if ('x' in value) {
      if (value_x !== undefined) {
        if (typeof value_x !== 'number') {
          ;(err = err || []).push({
            issue: 'not a number',
            path: ['x']

      result.x = value_x

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }


Creates a record validator spec. This validator is protected from prototype pollution and validation will fail if validated object contains properties that override Object.proptotype methods. This function has two signatures - one takes a spec to validate each key of a record and a spec to validate each item, another takes only item spec and treats all keys as strings. Key spec can be a string, template, string literal or union of these specs.

import { record, boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = record(boolean)

expect(check({ foo: false, bar: true })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { foo: false, bar: true }

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: true,
    errors: [{ issue: 'not an object', path: [] }]

expect(check({ toString: true })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { toString: true },
    errors: [{ issue: "includes banned 'toString' key", path: [] }]
Transformed code
import * as _spectypes from 'spectypes'

const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    for (let i = 0; i < _spectypes.bannedKeys.length; i++) {
      const ban = _spectypes.bannedKeys[i]

      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, ban)) {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: "includes banned '" + ban + "' key",
          path: []

    for (const key in value) {
      const value_key = value[key]

      if (typeof value_key !== 'boolean') {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'not a boolean',
          path: [key]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates an object transformer spec. All properties of validated object that are not present in passed param will be removed from the result of successful validation. Takes an object with specs to validate object properties. literal(undefined), nullish and unknown are treated specially when used as a property validator inside struct.

import { struct, number, string, boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = struct({ x: number, y: string, z: boolean })

expect(check({ x: 1, y: '2', z: false })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: 1, y: '2', z: false }

expect(check({ x: 1, y: '2', z: false, xyz: [] })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: 1, y: '2', z: false }

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: {},
    errors: [
      { issue: 'not a number', path: ['x'] },
      { issue: 'not a string', path: ['y'] },
      { issue: 'not a boolean', path: ['z'] }

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [],
    errors: [{ issue: 'not an object', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err, result
  result = {}

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    const value_x = value.x

    if (typeof value_x !== 'number') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a number',
        path: ['x']

    result.x = value_x
    const value_y = value.y

    if (typeof value_y !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a string',
        path: ['y']

    result.y = value_y
    const value_z = value.z

    if (typeof value_z !== 'boolean') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a boolean',
        path: ['z']

    result.z = value_z

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }


Creates a template string validator spec. Takes number, string, boolean, literal specs and their unions to validate parts of the validated string.

import { template, literal, number, string, boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = template(literal('test'), string, number, boolean)

  tag: 'success',
  success: 'test___123false'

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: 'test___false',
    errors: [{ issue: 'template literal mismatch', path: [] }]
Transformed code
import * as _spectypes from 'spectypes'

const _template = new RegExp(
  '^' +
    _spectypes.escapeRegexp('test') +
    _spectypes.stringTest +
    _spectypes.numberTest +
    _spectypes.booleanTest +

const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (typeof value !== 'string') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a string',
      path: []
  } else if (!_template.test(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'template literal mismatch',
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates a tuple validator spec. Takes specs to validate tuple parts.

import { tuple, number, string, boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = tuple(number, string, boolean)

expect(check([1, '2', false])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: [1, '2', false]

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [],
    errors: [{ issue: 'length is not 3', path: [] }]

expect(check([1, '2', false, 1000])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [1, '2', false, 1000],
    errors: [{ issue: 'length is not 3', path: [] }]

expect(check(['1', '2', 'false'])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: ['1', '2', 'false'],
    errors: [
      { issue: 'not a number', path: [0] },
      { issue: 'not a boolean', path: [2] }
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else if (value.length !== 3) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'length is not ' + 3,
      path: []
  } else {
    const value_$30_ = value[0]

    if (typeof value_$30_ !== 'number') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a number',
        path: [0]

    const value_$31_ = value[1]

    if (typeof value_$31_ !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a string',
        path: [1]

    const value_$32_ = value[2]

    if (typeof value_$32_ !== 'boolean') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a boolean',
        path: [2]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates a union validator spec. Takes specs to validate union cases.

import { union, number, string, boolean } from 'spectypes'

const check = union(number, string, boolean)

  tag: 'success',
  success: 'temp'

  tag: 'success',
  success: true

  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: null,
    errors: [
      { issue: 'union case #0 mismatch: not a number', path: [] },
      { issue: 'union case #1 mismatch: not a string', path: [] },
      { issue: 'union case #2 mismatch: not a boolean', path: [] }
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!(typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'boolean')) {
    if (typeof value !== 'number') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'union case #0 mismatch: not a number',
        path: []

    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'union case #1 mismatch: not a string',
        path: []

    if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'union case #2 mismatch: not a boolean',
        path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }



Spec that tells babel plugin to generate a wrapper for an external transformer spec. Any spec containing struct, nullish, map, filter and transformer specs will create and return new object on successful validation. Such spec has to be wrapped with transformer when used inside another spec.

import { array, transformer, map, number } from 'spectypes'

const negated = map(number, (x) => -x)
const check = array(transformer(negated))

// Incorrect usage !!!
// const negated = transformer(map(number, (x) => -x))
// const check = array(negated)

expect(check([1, 2, -3])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: [-1, -2, 3]

expect(check([1, 2, 'abc'])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [1, 2, 'abc'],
    errors: [{ issue: 'not a number', path: [2] }]
Transformed code
const _map = (x) => -x

const negated = (value) => {
  let err, result

  if (typeof value !== 'number') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a number',
      path: []
  } else {
    result = _map(value)

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }

const check = (value) => {
  let err, result
  result = []

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else {
    for (let index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
      let result_index
      const value_index = value[index]
      const ext_value_index0 = negated(value_index)

      if (ext_value_index0.tag === 'failure') {
        ;(err = err || []).push(
          ...ext_value_index0.failure.errors.map((fail) => ({
            issue: '' + fail.issue,
            path: [index, ...fail.path]
      } else {
        result_index = ext_value_index0.success

      result[index] = result_index

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }


Spec that tells babel plugin to generate a wrapper for an external validator spec. Any spec not containing struct, nullish, map, filter and transformer specs on successful validation will return validated object. Such spec has to be wrapped with validator when used inside another spec.

import { array, validator, limit, number } from 'spectypes'

const positive = limit(number, (x) => x >= 0)
const check = array(validator(positive))

// Incorrect usage !!!
// const positive = validator(limit(number, (x) => x >= 0))
// const check = array(positive)

expect(check([0, 1, 2])).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: [0, 1, 2]

expect(check([-1, -2, -3])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [-1, -2, -3],
    errors: [
      { issue: 'does not fit the limit', path: [0] },
      { issue: 'does not fit the limit', path: [1] },
      { issue: 'does not fit the limit', path: [2] }
Transformed code
const _limit = (x) => x >= 0

const positive = (value) => {
  let err

  if (typeof value !== 'number') {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not a number',
      path: []
  } else if (!_limit(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'does not fit the limit',
      path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }

const check = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an array',
      path: []
  } else {
    for (let index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
      const value_index = value[index]
      const ext_value_index0 = positive(value_index)

      if (ext_value_index0.tag === 'failure') {
        ;(err = err || []).push(
          ...ext_value_index0.failure.errors.map((fail) => ({
            issue: '' + fail.issue,
            path: [index, ...fail.path]

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates a spec to validate a value with recursive type. But data that recursively references itself is not supported. LazyTransformerSpec type should be used when spec contains struct, nullish, map, filter and transformer specs, and LazyValidatorSpec otherwise.

import { lazy, string, object, array, validator, LazyValidatorSpec } from 'spectypes'

type Person = {
  readonly name: string
  readonly likes: readonly Person[]

const person: LazyValidatorSpec<Person> = lazy(() =>
  object({ name: string, likes: array(validator(person)) })

expect(person({ name: 'Bob', likes: [{ name: 'Alice', likes: [] }] })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  { name: 'Bob', likes: [{ name: 'Alice', likes: [] }] }

expect(person({ name: 'Alice', likes: [{ name: 'Bob', likes: 'cats' }] })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { name: 'Alice', likes: [{ name: 'Bob', likes: 'cats' }] },
    errors: [{ issue: 'not an array', path: ['likes', 0, 'likes'] }]
Transformed code
const person = (value) => {
  let err

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    const value_name = value.name

    if (typeof value_name !== 'string') {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not a string',
        path: ['name']

    const value_likes = value.likes

    if (!Array.isArray(value_likes)) {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'not an array',
        path: ['likes']
    } else {
      for (let index_likes = 0; index_likes < value_likes.length; index_likes++) {
        const value_likes_index_likes = value_likes[index_likes]
        const ext_value_likes_index_likes0 = person(value_likes_index_likes)

        if (ext_value_likes_index_likes0.tag === 'failure') {
          ;(err = err || []).push(
            ...ext_value_likes_index_likes0.failure.errors.map((fail) => ({
              issue: '' + fail.issue,
              path: ['likes', index_likes, ...fail.path]

    for (const key in value) {
      if (!(key === 'name' || key === 'likes')) {
        ;(err = err || []).push({
          issue: 'excess key - ' + key,
          path: []

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: value }


Creates an empty validator that removes readonly modifiers from the result of validation

import { object, number, string, boolean, writable } from 'spectypes'

const check = writable(object({ x: number, y: string, z: boolean }))

expect(check({ x: 1, y: '2', z: true })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { x: 1, y: '2', z: true } // { x: number, y: string, z: true }


Type to infer success value

import { object, number, string, boolean, Spectype } from 'spectypes'

const check = object({ x: number, y: string, z: boolean })

// { readonly x: number; readonly y: string; readonly z: boolean }
type Value = Spectype<typeof check>


Special cases

  • When literal(undefined) or unknown is used as a property validator inside object or struct and that property is not present in the validated object the validation will fail.
  • When nullish is used as a property validator inside object or struct and that property is not present in the validated object the result will still contain that property set to undefined.
import { struct, nullish, literal, unknown } from 'spectypes'

const check = struct({ nullish, unknown, literal: literal(undefined) })

expect(check({ unknown: 1, literal: undefined })).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: { nullish: undefined, unknown: 1, literal: undefined }

expect(check({ literal: undefined })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { literal: undefined },
    errors: [{ issue: 'missing key - unknown', path: [] }]

expect(check({ unknown: undefined })).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: { unknown: undefined },
    errors: [{ issue: 'missing key - literal', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const check = (value) => {
  let err, result
  result = {}

  if (!(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'not an object',
      path: []
  } else {
    let result_nullish
    const value_nullish = value.nullish

    if (value_nullish !== null && value_nullish !== undefined) {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: "not 'null' or 'undefined'",
        path: ['nullish']

    result.nullish = result_nullish
    const value_unknown = value.unknown

    if (!('unknown' in value)) {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'missing key - unknown',
        path: []

    result.unknown = value_unknown
    const value_literal = value.literal

    if (!('literal' in value)) {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: 'missing key - literal',
        path: []

    if (value_literal !== undefined) {
      ;(err = err || []).push({
        issue: "not a '" + undefined + "' literal",
        path: ['literal']

    result.literal = value_literal

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }

Result handling

Validators return their results as 'success or failure' wrapped values and does not throw any exceptions (other than those thrown by the functions passed to map, limit or filter). This library does not include any functions to process validation results, but a compatible handy package exists - ts-railway

Custom validators

There is no specific APIs to create custom validators, usually just unknown, map and limit are enough to create a validator for arbitrary data. For example, lets create a validator that checks if some value is a representation of a date and converts that value to Date object:

import { unknown, map, limit } from 'spectypes'

const check = map(
  limit(unknown, (x) => !isNaN(Date.parse(x))),
  (x) => new Date(x)

const date = new Date('Sun Apr 24 2022 12:51:57')

expect(check('Sun Apr 24 2022 12:51:57')).toEqual({
  tag: 'success',
  success: date

expect(check([1, 2, 'abc'])).toEqual({
  tag: 'failure',
  failure: {
    value: [1, 2, 'abc'],
    errors: [{ issue: 'does not fit the limit', path: [] }]
Transformed code
const _map = (x) => new Date(x)

const _limit = (x) => !isNaN(Date.parse(x))

const check = (value) => {
  let err, result

  if (!_limit(value)) {
    ;(err = err || []).push({
      issue: 'does not fit the limit',
      path: []
  } else {
    result = _map(value)

  return err
    ? { tag: 'failure', failure: { value, errors: err } }
    : { tag: 'success', success: result }

How is it tested?

Having 100% of the code covered with tests reflects only the coverage of generative code, not the generated one. It says little about the amount of potential bugs in this package. Because of that most of the test cases are randomly generated. When testing valid data validation it will generate spectypes validator and corresponding fast-check arbitrary, then validator will ensure that values provided by arbitrary are valid. When testing invalid data validation it will also generate an expected error, then validator will ensure that values provided by arbitrary are invalid and lead to expected error.


Fast, compiled, eval-free data validator/transformer

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.7%Language:JavaScript 0.3%