ixalender / swamd

Command line tool parses go files with swagger annotations and creates markdown file with API specs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Command line tool parses go files with swagger annotations and creates markdown file with API specs.

Usage of swamd:
  -o, --o string   Output file to write API specifications to. (default "api_spec.md")
  -p, --p string   Target path to parse Go files from. (default ".")

Not ideal example


// CreateCourse creates course
// @Summary      Creates course
// @Description  create course
// @Tags         courses
// @Accept       json
// @Produce      plain/text
// @Param 		 request 	body 	CourseCreateRequest true "course create params"
// @Success      200  {string}	string "Course unique identifier"
// @Router       /courses [post]


[POST] /courses
summary Creates course
description create course
Tags courses
Accept json
Produce plain/text
Params request body {CourseCreateRequest} required – "course create params"
Responses 200 {string} string "Course unique identifier"


Command line tool parses go files with swagger annotations and creates markdown file with API specs.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%